BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

Fuck off to the electric ninja thread so


Yeah heats a few wooden pellets for gay smoke. It’s pure cheating but I nearly lost my hands building last bbq so I’m going quick and easy


I thought I was a Phillips stein with my gas BBQ

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If it’s good enough for Bootlegger it’s good enough for me
@Copper_pipe @briantinnion @gilgamboa


How much hassle is it to clean? Are you scrubbing it down everytime?

That’s a lovely scene. You have me really questioning what I’m doing living in inner city Dublin with a postage stamp garden.

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I bought the same thing. Also from Dominic Smith. As much as it’s cheating it’s simple to use and the output is excellent.


How would the food taste in comparison to using the grill in the kitchen?

When you use the smoker thing it makes it taste more barbecuey. I don’t know how much of it is psychological but I’d prefer the food done on it to a normal grill.

It may be just a sophisticated Air Up that’s codding me.


I used this for the first time tonight. Sausages, chilli and lime chicken thighs and some spicy prawns. Unraylable- extremely quick, decent flavour with the smoker/wood fire tech and easy to clean after. Negative was lack of space for a plate or cooler side of a grill but because it’s quicker it doesn’t really matter. Mrs Spidey who has an irrational fear of ‘flame grilled’ food even sampled a bit.


What’s her beef with it?


She has a load of aunts/uncles living in Connecticut. When her folks first brought her over there as a kid on hols, they tipped off to NYC while she was left behind bawling. Her rellys tried to placate here with a full on bbq to no avail. S Freud wouldn’t get a look in


My sister in law absolutely refuses to eat chicken off a BBQ. Even if you burn it to a crisp.

I’m allowed to cook chicken for her in a normal way. Which is a serious vote of confidence in itself. She was very weird about chicken on the bone for a long time as well. But she seems to be over that now.

Her mother was the only one apart from herself allowed cook chicken for her for a long time. She just has a weird mental thing about it.

Some people are weird.

Her mother cooked chicken breasts in the oven here the other day and I said to her 40 minutes in, I’d say they are cooked. And she gave it another ten minutes. They were shrivelled to death, not a drop of moisture left. So I suppose it’s a family thing.


Yep none of her family or her eat butter too. The grandfather abhors it and it’s filtered down to all the offspring

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Is it an anti cow secretion thing?

Wtf :joy:

A cow secreting butter is worth a fortune you know

Usually i hate cold callers but tonight a man in a fine diesel van pulled up selling meat. I bought a good pile of beef to fill the freezer. Fantastic service

Ah no. Jesus, like.


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