Boxing II

You’d want your head examined to be wearing this out in public :joy:

A free head examination by a medical professional would most likely follow the placing of this appendage. Lovely design you’d have to say.

Comprehensive win for Barstool Sports intern Billy Football over ageing baseball star Jose Canseco

Kinahan released a statement to Talksport this morning.

“I have tried my best to ignore the allegations that are constantly made about me. I have dedicated myself to my work in boxing for over 15 years.

“I have started from the bottom and worked my way up. I am proud to say today that I have helped organise over a dozen major world title fights. I continue to be involved in planning multiple record-breaking and exciting world title fights: I’m doing all I can to give fight fans around the world the fights they want. My professional commitment is always to the boxers, those who take the ultimate risk.

“I’m Irish. I was born and raised in Dublin. In a deprived area with serious levels of poverty, of crime, of under investment. People like me, from there, aren’t expected to do anything with their lives other than serve the middle and upper classes. Boxing is a working class sport for which I’ve had a lifelong love and passion.

“I love the sport of boxing but didn’t love how business was done. Many boxers have similar backgrounds to me. I got into boxing to make sure that boxers get fairly rewarded and not taken advantage of. The boxers put their lives on the line. It’s my mission to ensure that the boxers are financially secure when they finish boxing, and healthy too. Let’s not forget – the money in boxing is put there one way or another by the fans, sponsors and TV companies – not by me or anyone else – and they put it there to watch the fighters. The fighters deserve their fair share.

Kinahan has acted as heavyweight world champion Fury’s close adviser


Kinahan has acted as heavyweight world champion Fury’s close adviser

“I firmly believe that my success has led to an increase in the campaign against me. Pretty much anything can be said about me, or inferred about me, and it goes unchallenged and is sadly believed. Last week it was inferred that I had threatened a reporter. Let me be clear on this point before I address the other allegations against me. I have full respect for journalism. I have worked with journalists and I value their role. Journalists should always be free to do their job, free from any threat or harassment. I have never threatened a reporter or journalist or asked anyone to do that for me. I never have and I never would.

“My concern is that I have not been on the receiving end of fair and credible journalism, especially in the UK and Ireland. The recent BBC Panorama programme is a good example. This was a rehash of unsubstantiated allegations that have been made previously on many occasions. It was unashamedly sensationalist and devoid of evidence or critical analysis. They refused to publish the statement I made in advance of the programme or even question the fundamental claim that “an Irish court accepted…” That Irish Court is the SCC, a court with no jury, and which accepts the word of police officers without question. It is criticised by both the UN and Amnesty International. This latest report follows a long pattern of throwing innuendo and baseless accusations at me hoping that some may stick.

“I can’t be any clearer on the fundamental slur – I am not a part of a criminal gang or any conspiracy. I have no convictions. None. Not just in Ireland but anywhere in the world.

“Media outlets link my name with criminality unconnected to me. I am not involved in any proceedings therefore I am unable to challenge this in court. The media know this yet they refuse to acknowledge it. There is no evidence or proof against me. I have said repeatedly: I have no criminal record anywhere in the world. Sections of the media ask that I disprove a negative. This is impossible but it shows what I’m up against.

“People need to ask themselves – If he has done the things he has been accused of why has he not been arrested and charged? Why does a police organisation anywhere in the world not have this information and evidence some sections of the media would have you believe actually exists. Why is there only a trial by media and not a criminal trial? There is a simple answer to this. That answer is because there is no evidence. It’s because it is not true.

“I’m blessed with an amazing family. I’m blessed to work in boxing at the highest level having organised some of the biggest fights in boxing previously and in the future. I will continue working every day to bring out the best in, and look after, the boxers I am lucky enough to work with.

“I have chosen to dedicate my life to my family and my work. I do so every day in good and honest faith. I will continue to always choose love and choose God in my future as I do in my present.”

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Good to have that cleared up


That’s fair enough.
Between this statement and Charles Byrnes interview yesterday, I think the media in Ireland owe these two sporting icons an apology.

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You can’t say fairer than that

Jesus, poor lad only trying to make a shilling for himself and those around him. For shame BBC, hang your head you bowsie Nicola Tallant

Tyson Fury, Paul Mescal and Troy Parrott can’t all be wrong

Where does Matthew Macklin come into it all?

I remember as far back as 2012/2013 maybe, one of my uncles in Thurles used be giving out stink about Tipperary hurlers past and present hanging out with him, given his links to the Kinahan cartel.

Macklin and himself setup MGM

Macklin was shot by a Hutch who thought he was shooting Danny Boy.

Theyre friends through boxing. Macklin took a few losses at British level, nearly quit, became friendly with Kingham and the latter part of his career where he fought at a very high level launched. Id say Kinihan helped him out financially to train properly and such.

Those press releases are for the IFL tv English crowd that watch videos of BJS and the like. Some of the English crowd are 50/50 on Kinihan.

Macklin was obsessed with Tipp hurling for a while but I don’t think he’s as fanatical about it anymore.

He would have been at many games and fundraising events.

None of Macklin, Andy Lee, John Duddy, Darren Barker, Martin Murray ever fought each other.

Very strange.

Releasing a statement through Kelvin McKenzie/Murdoch’s media outlet isn’t really a good way of trying to get yourself believed.

They turned off replies on the tweet :joy:

I wonder who wrote that for him.
Terri Crone?

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Macklin was never shot. Jamie Moore was. Macklin was at Borrosoleigh club final last year so still interested in the hurling.

At the time, a lot of people thought it was a gimmick to appeal to the yanks like Irish Tyson Fury but he is a legit supporter alright.