Boxing II

No-one is arguing he is anything other than a cunt.

Yeah that’s fair enough too. That’s entirely his prerogative. But it’s also what sets him apart from the true greats who sought out challenge.

Once again. Who did he duck?

Gypsy King and Joshua contracts signed
Venue to be confirmed in coming weeks

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Colour shading your own perception a bit Tank?

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Initially yes. The heroism of Marvin Hagler helped me face up to the reality that I hadn’t been identifying with black fighters’ pain as much as white fighters’ pain. Sadly not everyone has had the same Road to Damascus conversion that I have and it remains a very common affliction. They should watch more Hagler fights.

And they say boxing is a brute’s game. Fair play.

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I’d say in my lifetime which spans Sonny Liston, Floyd Patterson, Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Hagler, Hearns, Leonard amongst others, Mayweather was the best boxer of the lot. Not the most entertaining, the most brave, or the best warrior but the best boxer, the one who performed the basic rule of the game - hit and don’t get hit back - to its utmost


He’s different level. People put shit on him saying he wasn’t a warrior. He was never forced into being one, he is/was that good. who’d choose to slug it out when you’ve the ability to win without resorting to slugging? All and sundry would have loved to drag him into a dogfight but simply couldn’t manage to.


Doesn’t seem I’m going to get an answer from @glasagusban on this?

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That’s a good assessment.

I think there is nothing noble about Mayweather,unlike hearns.

Nope you aren’t. You’ll recall we’ve had this discussion before and I have no inclination not get into one of your endless meaningless respective “debates”. Go tweet Kev if you need an outlet.

That’s pretty much what I was trying to say. Fagan said it better. The board seems to be largely ad idem on the point.

What a chickenshit. You really behave like a petulant little child when you have your bullshit called out.

@Tank was bang on about you. There’s a racist undertone to your dislike of Mayweather.

Uh huh. Have a lovely evening pal.

Mayweather makes me question what it really means to be noble and what success in sport really means. One thing it means is lots of money.

Well what he did to Ortiz, albeit provoked, was cowardly, but what it took to win a fight he may well have lost. Glory doesn’t keep petrol in the jet.

Ah he would’ve stood Ortiz on his head. “Protect yourself at all times”, he couldn’t trust Ortiz when offered the hand due to the persistent butting.

Fighters would’ve done anything to beat Floyd at that time, what if Ortiz whips in a hook just as Floyd was accepting the olive branch? he only wouldve had about 50 million reasons to.

Ortiz was a massive waste of talent, shouldve been an even bigger star, that debacle.

No love for Whitaker in these parts?