Boxing II

Lara bullying him

Terrible cut

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You can see the big power advantage with Lara. Heā€™s moving Warrington about with his punches.

Thatā€™s a big, big cut from the clash of heads.

No contest I assume

He was gonna kill him.

The cut has fucked it

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What an anticlimax

Theyā€™ll have to go again.

Warrington would have lost. Lara shook him everytime they exchanged in the pocket even with Warrington trying to stay tight


Iā€™m not sure. I think Warrington would have given that a right rattle. Right shame.

The commentator is hilarious.

ā€œYou donā€™t know what way it would have wentā€

After first rd, he was giving it to Warrington.

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I also think Lara would have stopped him, Warrington was afraid of Laraā€™s power there

He wouldnā€™t have got to 8/9rds Iā€™d say


Impossible to say. He didnā€™t look afraid to me. He looked wary. He looked gutted when it was stopped.

He was driving him back with every body shot. No way Warrington would have went the distance.


Wary would have been a better description alright!! Lara deffo looked a lot stronger though tbf

Thereā€™s an awful lot of confirmation bias in this thread.
Good few gypsy roses in here.

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Eddie Hearn seems scared of Lara for Warrington.

Best thing that happened Warrington there, Lara will be out for months. Warrington can go a different direction. Heā€™s near the end anyway.

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Doubt itā€™ll be many months. That wound will always be weak now, but itā€™ll he as strong after three months as itā€™ll ever be really.

The coked up Leeds crowd wonā€™t remember the fight anyway.