Boxing II

The juggernaut? Heā€™s a serious fighter


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He absolutely does have a dodgy chin, heā€™s been knocked down plenty of times, the fact that he keeps getting back up is due to his heart and determination

Top 10 in clones Iā€™d say

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Ali was unbelievable as he was.

Ali would dismantle Klitschko FFS.

Dear me.


The disrespect shown to Kevin McBride here reflects poorly on the forum member(s) responsible.

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Heā€™d have beaten Fury

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He never fought anyone as big as the Klitschkos.

Heā€™d find it tough but I reckon Ali would have enough for them. He was so much more mobile than just about every other HW Iā€™ve ever seen

He was. Hard to know what would happen, the point I merely make is Ali never really had size as a handicap in his era which he most certainly would have now and itā€™s a very tough one to overcome.

No itā€™s definitely a massive issue. Ali rarely fought any really good men that were huge. They just didnā€™t seem to box back then. HWs have gotten massive over the past 15-20 years.

Probably just genetics. People are getting bigger nowarenā€™t they? The average height was 5ft6 back then probably.

People are getting bigger, More Eastern Bloc lads too, who tend to be bigger and stronger than people of western European heritage (look at powerlifting, strongman etc).

Larger black American men, who were the best heavyweights for much of modern history, tend to more drawn to football and basketball nowadays too.

As an aside, if I was in Wilderā€™s camp, Iā€™d be encouraging him to hang them up. Heā€™s taken two fairly serious beatings in the last two fights, and eaten a lot of hard punches. Both times he looked out on his feet and his legs never looked truly under him. If heā€™s financially secure, and he should be, I dont think itā€™s worth the risk for him going back in and taking more shots to the head.

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His defence is shocking - he was taking shots with hands barely up and zero head movement

Heā€™s used to being on offence. Most fighters, even Fury in the first fight, just spend all day backing away from him

Ali with a modern diet and training regime may well have been taller and naturally a good bit bigger.