Boxing II

Good point, well argued.

ā€œheā€™s throwing shade and gaslighting me boohoohoo :sob::sob::sob:ā€


Very infantile debating from you.

Youā€™re actually embarrassing yourself now in a fit of pique.

Iā€™ve given you the counterpoints. Skill, speed, character. Youā€™ve ignored them, twice. Very poor debating.

I havenā€™t ignored them. You seem to have ignored that his size had anything to do with it?

Do you concede he was one of the biggest heavyweights in his era? Do you think heā€™d have been able to dominate his era if he was 6ft?


Fury is seriously underrated still. I canā€™t get my head around it. He has savage movement and skill for a man of his size, as for the lad who said he hasnā€™t got a chin! FFS. We all know the real reason a lot of people donā€™t like him or respect him as a fighter


I donā€™t think he would have. Because he loses his biggest asset, his reach, his size, his jab. Ali did not have serious power so if he couldnā€™t keep the range with his bigger and heavier hitting opponents then heā€™d be in bother. His ability to control the ring was from his size.

He dominates any heavyweight era for me. Heā€™s just too big and can box.

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Heā€™s up there. Best British heavyweight ever anyway. Thatā€™s for sure.

Agree to disagree.

Iā€™ll just leave this here. Mike Tyson rarely had a height/weight/reach advantage on any boxer he fought. In fact I would say he was at a disadvantage in every championship bout he fought except maybe for Holyfield. Yet he was the vastly dominant fighter of his era. The notion that a good big un will always beat a good small un is a pretty sweeping generalisation.


There were no good big uns in Tysonā€™s era.

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Donā€™t be silly.

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I wasnā€™t a natural heavyweight bro, but I could trade blows with them no bother.

Young Fury arguably lost to John McDermott and was ducking David Price.

Riddick Bowe was an amazing talent .

Ali would have pucked the chops off any heavyweight of any era. Go way and watch the Cleveland Williams fight and tell me a big lumbering ape would have lived with that speed and footwork