Boxing II

Andre knew

Collins Eubank is a good example of that actually

Look over there. Look over there.

Michael Conlon fighting for works title this weekend, hardly a word about it - can see why of course.

Also itā€™s on Dazn. If it was on the Sky hype machine be lot more talk.

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Conlan has all the skills in the world, the full gamut of shots, but he is badly lacking power. He has bamboozled opponents up, down, left and right, but they endure because he canā€™t finish them. And that makes him vulnerable.

That ultimately will be what holds him back. Donā€™t know a whole pile about Leigh Wood but if he can go the distance heā€™ll more than likely retain as Conlan hasnā€™t enough to get it done. Hope Iā€™m wrong and he batters him though, obviously!


I went to all Bernard Dunne fights when he came back from America. Esham Pickering fight was the best atmosphere I was ever at.

Iā€™d say tomorrow night in Nottingham will be unreal.

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Never warmed to Conlon at all.


West Belfast Republican. Shock!

Sure wasnā€™t Barry McGuigan from Monaghan the greatest. He brought about the peace process.

His Da sang a british army recruiting song but everyone loved it! He tried robbing Carl Frampton too.

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MTK have wrecked boxing in this country

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Not doing a Sidney here. Itā€™s called discussion.

Bar Katy Taylor, who would be showcasing in Ireland?

I watched Big Bang Casey in City West! I was also there one Sunday afternoon for a fight and Katie Taylor was beside me.

Boxing has always been subsumed in ā€˜gangstersā€™ā€¦ not saying itā€™s right!

Itā€™s a small, tough, niche window.

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