Boxing Thread

Any links for the Martinez fight?…html

Sergio has him back peddling. A hammering here now. Fucking awesome stuff.

Sergio is boxing an extremely intelligent fight. What a counter puncher.

Knockout coming up in Round 8 I predict.

Cheers Sid

The commentators keep saying Sergio is in trouble when in the ropes. I think he’s actually bringing him in there, somewhat if a rope a dope. Gets Chavez slightly comfortable, then within 20 seconds he’s throwing 6-8 punch combo’s, all connecting. Maybe a draw round there.

Making Chavez look like the plodder he is.

I’d prefer Sergio to get this over with. I know it’s fun and all toying with him, but I want to sleep.

Sergio taking a break really. Expect a big finish from both fighters

It’s tough to knock out a Chavez in fairness.

Holy fuck

Fuckin hell he did well to get up from those punches.

Brilliant effort by Chavez in fairness. It looked possible for a few moments. No doubt whatsoever about the decision though.

Well done Chavez in fairness, but what a ballsy cunt Sergio Martinez is, he’s a legend in the US now for coming back the way he did after dropping.

Stupid tactics from Chavez though, other than last minute it was a masterclass from Sergio.

Judged correctly as well thank god.

Chavez Out thrown 3:1. No contest really.

A re match is a cert. Chavez can certainly knock him out.

The HBO bias is absolutely astonishing. Chavez landed one shot and they’re falling over themselves to say how well he did. It was a whitewash. Sergio destroyed him, and because the fat fucker managed to stay on his feet against a 20lb lighter 37 year old it’s all Kellerman wants to talk about. What a fucking joke.

Martinez should forget the rematch and do what it takes to get Floyd to the table. That pampered, doped-up cruiserweight should fight people his own size for a change.

It’s bull shit, but it’s already a done deal I’d say. Kellerman is a fool, wouldn’t worry about him. The in fight co commentators called it fair, think Manny Steward was one. There was a bit about Chavez showing great heart, what a load of cock. Great heart was to go out there and prepare properly for the fight, listen to your amazing coach, go with his game plan, knock the shit out of your opponent and see where it takes you. Thats heart. Not fight like a child for 11 rounds and go for a last desperation shot at it.

Surely Freddie Roach will drop him. Sergio is so much better than him it’s crazy. It would be interesting to be privy to Chavez’s weight cuts.

Are all Roach’s fighters juiced up?

Kellerman is an utter cunt of a man to think they got rid of larry merchant and replaced him with that fucker sickens me