Boxing Thread

I see khan and roach have officially split up,pacquaio v marquez iv is also official

Yeah he’s a dickhead, a company man to the end.

There was an absolutely cracking tear up between Maidana and Soto Karass lat night on the undercard for Canelo-Lopez fight. Maidana went to train with Robert Garcia after his absolute disaster of a performance against Alexander last February. He’s actually trying to box a bit but nevertheless the fight turned into a war as usual.

Video here:

I hope Maidana has a hard head. He’s a great entertainer but he takes some punishment, all his fights are like something out of a Rocky movie.

Even though Chavez might be taking something (even though he has always cut weight like that) and none of us really like him it must be said he did knock Martinez and would really have to be respected in a rematch were he to train properly. He really rattled Martinez but it was just too late.

Can we get totti banned from this thread, he has nothing to contribute only bias and dreadful chat room rumours/talk.

You know he was caught with diuretics before Kev? Martinez wanted extra testing but was more or less told he wasn’t going to get the fight if he didn’t shut up about it -

He caught Martinez because Martinez wanted the knock out. Had he done a Mayweather on it and kept doing his thing throughout the 12th there would be no hope whatsoever of them selling a rematch. He let his emotions get the better of him instead of dancing to the finish line and paid a price for it.

The worrying thing now is that Martinez has torn knee ligaments (broke his hand last night as well) and is pretty old to just bounce back from these injuries without losing anything, I honestly hope he goes after Floyd and failing that, Cotto. They’ll both give him a bigger payday than Chavez and if he loses, at least he’ll be losing to great fighters.

Ya, know that alright about the test. But there are techniques for doing what he is doing legally.

You are right about the fight assessment and Sergio going for it, my point is based mostly though on the merits of another fight. He’ll recover ok I’d say, he’s a good healer. Hr would beat Chavez again most likely. But any of those fights are what he should be getting. He’d get Cotto handy enough I’d say. Doubt Mayweather would fancy it too much.

You are some buffoon, the biggest spoofer on here trying to dictate which people should contribute to this thread, sure it’s not long ago since you were calling Carl Forch a technical fighter. I mean FFS, what kind of simpleton would you have to be to have the audacity to take an authoritative tone on boxing after that statement? Do you have any sort of shame at all?

There are methods for it alright but generally they take a lot out of the body, I don’t believe it’s possible to do it to the extreme level that Chavez takes it and to be able to fight a 12 round fight after.

Apparently Amir Khan is going to get Virgil Hunter (Andre Ward’s trainer) to replace Freddie Roach -–57182

Freddie Roaches has advised khans new coach to keep him away from “strong punchers”,no shit sherlock,brian magee is fighting mickel kessler in denmark later in the year

Hunter and Khan will be a ridiculous personality clash. In fairness they’re both shit talkers, but where Hunter is articulate and intelligent, Khan is an arrogant halfwit.

Macklin saying on OTB this evening that he may fight Geale for his title on the undercard of a Chavez-Martinez rematch.

I doubt macklin will get another shot at martinez yet but geale might take the fight against macklin if its on hbo as he isnt that well known in the states,i think macklin would take geale

Khan needs to find a new chin never mind a new coach-he is finished at any top level of boxing.

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 18464”]

You are some buffoon, the biggest spoofer on here trying to dictate which people should contribute to this thread, sure it’s not long ago since you were calling Carl Forch a technical fighter. I mean FFS, what kind of simpleton would you have to be to have the audacity to take an authoritative tone on boxing after that statement? Do you have any sort of shame at all?[/quote]

Listen, you have the mind of a 16 year old school child, idolizing people from various sports teams trying to make yourself look “cool” and then unable to look past your own team/boxer/clubs limitations in assessment. You are the type of lad who hears a rumour or a story from the popular person at work/college/school and just rolls with it, no matter how unfounded or bias or even stupid.

Get a life, this thread is one if the decent threads not ruined by morons as only a handful have the interest and they are all pretty up to date on things.

Now fuck off you turd.

[quote=“massey ferguson, post: 18469”]
I doubt macklin will get another shot at martinez yet but geale might take the fight against macklin if its on hbo as he isnt that well known in the states,i think macklin would take geale[/quote]

Gaele doesn’t seem ti have become the pro most thought he would. I think the Groves thing got in his head. Groves is only pretty decent really from what I have seen.

Bull. He is a box office draw, he’s a quality boxer, and his fights are even more interesting since everyone now knows he (if they didn’t before) that he can be knocked out which adds an extra level of excitement an will make opponents fancy their chances even more. How many boxers achieve what he has by 25? To say he is finished as a boxer at 25 is utter nonsense.

The possibility of him becoming a superstar is increasingly slim, and more importantly he is a complete and utter cunt. He demanded that Freddie drop Pacquiao and Chavez and only train him. I couldn’t believe the lack of class he showed in publicly disrespecting Roach as a trainer. He has always been a piece of shit but to stab Roach in the back that quickly was a new low. I wish only the worst of luck on him.

His record is also very overrated. He hasn’t beaten any A class fighter to begin with, and he can’t be matched against anyone who can pop because he’ll get knocked out. He has some strengths, but he’s nowhere near rounded enough to be an elite p4p fighter.

Not saying he’s not a cock, but to say he is done as a fighter is rubbish. He’ll continue to be hyped by english media and found a few handy fights to get him going again. And he didn’t want the other fighters dropped, just that roach focus on him coming up to his fight.

Direct quote from Roach: “They told me this, and this is pretty good – they told me if I make Amir number one, and get rid of Manny and Chavez, they will still come back to me. They said if we’re number one and you get rid of Manny and Chavez, we’ll stay with you. I told them, 'I can’t do that.”’ (

What’s the next name you think he should go after?