Boxing Thread

Hadn’t seen that I’ll stand corrected, I got the impression before Khan had wanted it just for the fight. I’m not a fan of his or anything. I just think it’s silly to suggest he’s done. Not in the league of the best p4p fighters nor anything, but he’ll still be a draw. The obvious fight is a rematch v Garcia. He could probably win if he kept his distance and boxed. Would relaunch his career and reestablish his credibility so may be worth the risk.

You misunderstood my post my friend. I did not say he was finished as a boxer I said he was finished at the top level of boxing. He has plenty of fights left in him but he will not hold a meaningful world title again. The guy just can’t take a punch and blaming Freddie Roach for his woes won’t hide that fact. I’m sure Sky will still hype him up to the last-maybe Khan, Hatton, Chisora and King Fuckwit David Haye could have some sort of WWF style box off on Sky with the winner getting a world title shot where they will be found out for the average fighters that they are.

Garcia is too powerful for him my man and it would only take him landing one or two haymakers to finish the job and he would have 12 rounds to do it as Khan wouldn’t knock him out. Losing again to Garcia would definitely finish him so it’s too risky-he will need to fight a few bums and get back in contention that way but it’s all the one cos he will be found out then anyway.

Agree to disagree. Plenty of examples of that happening. Yeah he may fight a few warm ups first but I think he has more than enough skill to keep his distance and beat Garcia on points. There have been loads of boxing greats who didn’t have a great chin, and I’m not a fan of Khan, and he will never be a great all time boxer, but I think it is silly to write off a 25 year old that has achieved all that he has achieved already.

Khan is well able to box people from the outside, but the issue is what happens when he comes up against a pressure fighter with a good chin, or someone who has a bit of pop. I do think there are a lot of guys at 140/147 that he could beat but ultimately it’s hard to see him ruling a division. Maybe Hunter will make him a bit more streetwise and make him a bit craftier, Ward is as crafty as it gets, it’ll be tough task for both of them though.

Pacquiao-Marquez fixed for December 8th. Hard to imagine it’s going to do big numbers.

Well then piss off as anyone who comes out with such blatant bullshit as calling Froch a ‘technical boxer’ is a spoofer. You are unable to debate things as you’re too thick and stupid, instead you have to throw in various anecdotal tales that unsurprisingly reassert your argument. You are an utter clown and lack any sort of basic intelligence, if you really believed what you just stated you would be the first poster to desist from posting here. You know nothing the sport of boxing and then on come here with grandiose bullshit that makes no sense at all while presenting yourself as the forum expert. You are a figure for ridicule.

Look totti you are clearly a child. You still buy soccer kits, most people gave that up after junior cert. Also most people really stop caring about foreign soccer teams after school or at worst college when there is nobody really left to slag about it. Because really that’s what it’s all about, banter with your mates.

Now on boxing, just to be done with you. Seeing as you want to base my understanding on Carl Froch and one comment, which I stand by, we’ll use that and the first time I knew you knew nothing of boxing and only went with what the media spouts, the Sturm-Macklin fight. You had Macklin winning the fight, I had him a well beaten, but gallant second. You completely dismissed Sturm making him miss repeatedly, which is a great skill UN boxing. It sets up good power shot counters and a missed shot tires a fighter far more than a hit due ti over extention of muscles,ligaments etc etc. Sturm also hit the more quality punches, it was not a classic performance by hi
, but nonetheless very technically good. Macklin learned alot from it in the light if day and has admitted as much since.

Froch in the same manner is very technical defensively. He protects himself on his own punches well and doesn’t fall forward, a mistake many good pro’s still make. His punches are straight and technically executed an he has as hood an inside upper cut as there is out the. He can be wild in his combos and he’s no Andre ward, but hey who is.

You are exactly the type of fool needed for boxing promoters, perversely people like you are great for boxing, ye pay PPV and go to fights to see boxers who are all guff.

Finally you have obviously never put on a glove in your life if you are so dismissive of technical defensive skills, as anyone who ha been in there, even if only ever for one spar, will tell you, defense is king. We can all throw a punch, we can all hit nags and pads, but can you repeatedly take belts and avoid them.

Now fuck off and stop annoying me with your bull shit.

Huh? What kind of weirdo are you? You follow some primitive, outdated and parochial amateur incest sport from half way across the world and find someone following a side with hundreds of thousands of supporters worldwide who contain some of the most iconic figures to be childish?

As for boxing, let’s rewind it back here pal. You said Froch was technically sweet - you made no reference to his defensive work when I pulled you up on it. You just need to accept that you spoofed about Froch, I called you out on it - exposing your lack of boxing knowledge and your attempts to chance your arm to look informative at something you know nothing about. There was a general consensus that Macklin won that fight, even German TV had him winning by four rounds, so I don’t know what kind of point you’re trying to make with that. What sort of scrambled and incoherent thought process operates in your head? Do you even take time to think about the stuff you come out with? Just to show everyone how dumb Kevin is - apparently he seems to think ‘repeatedly taking belts’ is a technical defensive skill.

There’s only bullshitter here pal - and it ain’t me.

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 18482”]Khan is well able to box people from the outside, but the issue is what happens when he comes up against a pressure fighter with a good chin, or someone who has a bit of pop. I do think there are a lot of guys at 140/147 that he could beat but ultimately it’s hard to see him ruling a division. Maybe Hunter will make him a bit more streetwise and make him a bit craftier, Ward is as crafty as it gets, it’ll be tough task for both of them though.

Pacquiao-Marquez fixed for December 8th. Hard to imagine it’s going to do big numbers.[/quote]

Why the fuck would they want to go again (other than Marquez finally getting the win) JMM said he’d never fight in Vegas, and does, PAC said he’d never fight JMM. It’s a bit boring really.

I think we’re in for a bit of stalemate in regards ti big fights. Nobody will want ti fight Ward, Martinez is injured for 6 months, Pac and Mayweather ain’t happening etc.

Money I suppose. Pacquiao appears to be in steep decline and has often spoken about retiring in 2013. Freddie says it’s a business decision and they’re not rematching Bradley because Marquez will do better numbers. Some truth in it I suppose although that rationale didn’t seem to apply when they chose Bradley over Marquez in the summer.

The most bizarre development in recent times has been the new found friendship between Manny and Floyd’s bff 50 cent. 50 started a promotional company and Manny is supposedly going to be his business partner.

All very strange.

Chavez has (allegedly) tested positive for mary jane :lol:

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 18488”]Chavez has (allegedly) tested positive for mary jane[/quote]

I don’t see what the issue is if you kept positive for marijuana…it hardly helps performance…

Sent from my HTC Desire S using TFK App

Ya saw the fiddy thing alright, seems Jim and Money ain’t as chummy as they once were. Could be a massive PR stunt.

This is a bizarre developent-source please? Manny has 1 fight left I would guess and that’s the rematch-would be surprised and disappointed if this was the path he chose.

Jesus Chavez Senior must be fuming. All this cunt has done is remind people of all the dodgy decisions he got himself and now embarrasses the smoky further.

McCloskey back in action tonight, thought he would have packed it in after the Corley fight, he’ll never get a world title shot now and he’s been in decline since the Khan fight.

What channel is he on or is it televised?

Sky Sports 1. That little weasel Barry McGuigan has his pet project fighting tonight as well, both are on the same card, think Frampton is the main event actually.

Good man I hadn’t a clue there was any boxing on at all.

All over for McCloskey if he doesn’t beat this guy. Your man has actually fought a few recognisable names. Beat Cotto’s brother last time out.