Boxing Thread

WYT is on about the Collins/Jones “fight”

Ah here-I presumed Chavez was pulling the piss.

No in fairness to Chavez, its been reported on the Radio since lunchtime.

Roy was supposed to be fighting Kimbo Slice a while ago so it’s not completely beyond the realm of possibility.

Poor Roy is beginning to show the signs of a lifetime of getting boxed in the head.

FORMER world champion boxer Steve Collins has sensationally announced he is to return to the ring – for his first fight in 16 years.
The Dubliner confirmed today that he will fight American legend [color="#306294"]Roy Jones Jr.
The former WBO middleweight and super middleweight champion were lined up to fight each other on a number of occasions in the late 90s but the match never happened.
Collins has claimed that Jones always came up with an excuse to dodge him.
But the 48-year-old looks set to get his chance to prove himself against the four-time world champion, who won 55 of his 63 professional contests.
Collins told TalkSport in the UK: “It’s not a comeback as such, at my age I’m too old for that, but it will be the end of a 15-year grudge.
“It’s a fight Roy Jones needs. He claims to be one of the greatest pound-for-pound fighters around but he refused to fight me.
“I was very happy with my career, but the one fight I wanted was Roy Jones, and when that didn’t happen I retired. To me he was afraid of me. I don’t think he’s a coward, but at the time he was!
“But now it’s happening. I spoke to Roy and we’re going to get it on. He wants one more fight before he retires and this is the one he wants.
“If we get a good offer we’ll split it down the middle and get it on.
“I would like 10-12 weeks to get ready. In my mind I already see how that fight goes and I can see the outcome. I feel like I’ve never been away. I’m looking forward to it.
“This is still a match. We’re the same generation. I wouldn’t even consider fighting as guy 15 or 20 years younger than me, because that’s not a match. But we’re the same age and this is affair match. It won’t be any different to how it would have been 15 years ago.
“I’d love the fight to be in the UK but there is interest from [color="#306294"]Dubai[/url], Russia, [url=“”][color="#306294"]China. Dubai looks the favourite, but we’ll have to see where the offers come from.
“Hopefully we’ll get an offer that’s suitable for us both and we get it on. It will give all old-timers some hopes!”
The Dubliner insisted he is not stupid enough to risk his health in one last chase for glory.
“I’ve got medical tests arranged and if I don’t get a 100pc pass form the doctors, then forget it,” he added. “There’s no way I’ll fight if I don’t get the all-clear.”

From the Independent

I don’t believe I’m even commenting on it but if this farce actually happens, Roy Jones will beat Collins like he owes him money.

Order of Malta staff better be on standby for this. :o

Jones has been shot since Tarver knocked him out. He must have some serious debts to keep embarrassing himself like this. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs for what was once an amazing fighter. Have to laugh a Collins’ statement that Roy ducked him back in the 90s.

WSB on espn now USA v British Lionhearts,Ward,Joyce Conlon and Nevin all fighting tonight

Just tuned in and caught nevin, have any of the other Irish lads fought yet or are they still to come?

JJ was the first,good win for him there

Cheers Massey.

No luck for Conlon cant see how they only gave him one round

Big joe ward up now

Selby the clear winner but agree, touch of hometown decision that he wasn’t given more points. Did well for his debut, I’d like to see a rematch when conlon has a few more WSB fights under his belt.

Boring enough fight here, ward well within his comfort zone, will win handy, doesn’t look very fit though.

Yeah ward just going through the motions here

Will ward be fighting Egan again at the nationals?

Im not sure if the lads in the WSB are fighting in nationals gola

Is Egan not retired? He fought in the WSB a year or two ago and isn’t in it any more is he?