Boxing Thread

Think they’re only pulling the piss. Makes ya wonder are they the great satirists of our times and have had us all fooled all along.

I didnt ,where did you see it?,I really miss havin hbo/showtime for the boxing and getting The Ring in the postbox every month,how did it go anyway

Watched it live on a stream. Alvarado won it by decision. Both guys staggered several times. Alvarado’s movement won it for him. They went toe to toe plenty of times but Alvarado was able to make space for himself when he needed it.

HBO’s Road to Donaire-Rigondeaux


[quote=“gola, post: 753925, member: 244”]The Joyces want to batter a few olympic medallists
Paddy barnes and conlon made a video takin the piss outta the joyces on youtube its very funny someone might stick it up there, that’s why these, tards made that video

Ah hear…that’s quality…


:smiley: :smiley:

That’s great craic. Nice to see our Olympic Hero’s having a bit of banter.

Ah knackers, they’re great fun all the same. When they’re not robbing you or terrorising old people in their homes that is.

I don’t think any of those videos are funny.

The guy swinging the Hurley was amusing, in a ‘this is what generations of inbreeding can do to a gene pool’ kind of way.

Yeah he’s the highlight. ‘barnes ya little dwarfs bastard ya’. The Joyces actually play it fairly well in fairness to them. I’d say they’re only half messing though and really would love to kick the shit out of the lads given half a chance.

Half messing? They were 100% serious.

They weren’t.

Knacker lover

you must feel awful foolish after having the Joyces make a cunt of ya

That’s exactly the comeback a knacker lover would be expected to make.

The man who lives his life online was made a fool of with a paint by numbers internet wind up from lads who left school at 13. Priceless.

Are you sure they weren’t serious? They’re awfully good actors if they weren’t. The Belfast boys were falling about the place laughing.

To keep a straight face while displaying such rage…a career treading the boards of the Abbey awaits, perhaps.
Knacktors, they could call them.