Boxing Thread

Will Kessler win? He’s 7/4.

I will be backing Kessler.

So your backing Kessler but he was one of the bums Calzaghe beat years back. How could you put your hard earned money on him.

Mayweather avoided fighters at their prime, money has nothing to do with it, I really don’t know why you are bringing weight class into it, it’s irrelevant to the discussion. It’s about having the balls to take in the best. Calzaghe had as much of a right as any champion has to demand home fights to force guys to come to Wales, he was the champ.

Mayweather can never claim to have taken on all comers. Behind all the front, he actually lacks confidence. I believe he probably would have won anything put in front of him, but he didn’t have the balls to take the chance on fighting someone. He didn’t have to leave America, they were willing to fight him there, Manny for instance.

You sir are what people describe as a hypocrite, as well as having a woefully poor understanding of boxing.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 775688, member: 273”]

You sir are what people describe as a hypocrite, as well as having a woefully poor understanding of boxing.[/quote]


I’m off to bed now but I’ll get back to the ridiculous nonsense you spouted sometime tomorrow.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 775688, member: 273”]So your backing Kessler but he was one of the bums Calzaghe beat years back. How could you put your hard earned money on him.

Mayweather avoided fighters at their prime, money has nothing to do with it, I really don’t know why you are bringing weight class into it, it’s irrelevant to the discussion. It’s about having the balls to take in the best. Calzaghe had as much of a right as any champion has to demand home fights to force guys to come to Wales, he was the champ.

Mayweather can never claim to have taken on all comers. Behind all the front, he actually lacks confidence. I believe he probably would have won anything put in front of him, but he didn’t have the balls to take the chance on fighting someone. He didn’t have to leave America, they were willing to fight him there, Manny for instance.

You sir are what people describe as a hypocrite, as well as having a woefully poor understanding of boxing.[/quote]

a) I don’t particularly rate any of Calzaghe/Froch/Kessler. But I do think Kessler is a better boxer than the one-dimensional Froch and he has beaten him before so I don’t know why you’re so shocked that I’d be opting for him.

b) Mayweather avoided fighters at their prime? He stopped some fights from happening so it can be said that’s true. But Mayweather is a completely different case as was Roy Jones Junior. One of the problem with boxing we have today is prizefighting, you don’t have to pick the best/most enticing fight, you pick the most rewarding. Mayweather didn’t have to take on the riskier fights as the reward for doing so was no more. He also didn’t have the same incentive to prove himself as Calzaghe as he was a 5 weight world champion, he had progressed through the different weight classes and each time taken the belts, he was recognised as the best in the world. His career has always been a trajectory of moving upwards and onwards. Calzaghe just stayed in the same division knocking the same bums out. Not to mention that Mayweather fought the majority of the prime of his career is a much more competitive weight division.

c) Why would they hold a major showdown between Calzaghe and Hopkins or Jones in Wales? It really defies belief from all aspects. Big fights like these are very rarely held out of America these days and Calzaghe didn’t have the reputation to demand to either, maybe if he had gone over to the states and proved himself in front of them a few times, the demand might not have been ridiculous. Calzaghe didn’t take any risk in his career. He never travelled to the US until the guys he was fighting were in decline and both of them still put him on the canvas, Hopkins should have got the decision too, IMO. You also criticise Mayweather for not taking risks, he didn’t take many but he certainly took a lot more than Calzaghe for sure, I couldn’t imagine Calzaghe taking a risk like Mayweather did with De La Hoya. Could you? Mayweather took a back seat in those negotiations and let DLH dictate the terms.

d) I noted you also absolve Pacquiao from any of the blame for not making the fight happen. I think both parties are guilty in not making it happen. Pacquiao’s career has been an example of someone picking his fights where he has the advantages going into the fights, for instance he fought Cotto at a catchweight despite the fact that he had previously fought at 147, why so he could weight drain Cotto, who was struggling to even make the 147 any more. He has a history in choosing weights that balance the scales in his favour.

e) Thanks for the subjective insight into Mayweather’s mindset.

Your lack of boxing knowledge astounds me, but your insistence of sticking your oar in and spoofing through in a condescending manner on a subject you are ill-informed in does not. I think the last two parts of your post sum you up in a nutshell, the latter part showcases your constant need to go away from facts and logic and express bizarre theories that you have thought up in your mind. The former conveys your own weaknesses and passes them off to others.

I also forgot to remind you that you once called Froch a “technically skilled” boxer. :smiley:

Again, money means nothing when you are talking about fighting the best and legacy.

Why would Calzaghe move up weights? He was at an ideal weight with possible one move up. Not everyone in this world feels the need to “prove themselves” to the yanks. He was the champ, and again, it’s not always about money. They offered plenty fights to the yanks and they refused.

Mayweather moved weights due to natural growth and development. It’s bizarre in the extreme to blame Manny for anything in regards those fight not happening, Mayweather came up with every trick in the book and the drug testing was some if the childish and petty stuff ever invented. The irony of it all is its pretty well established by people at BALCO that Mayweather was on drugs as well.

Thankfully I’m an independent thinker and I don’t feel the need to agree with whatever bullshit story the general media try to pedal me.

The fact you ain’t appreciate Froch’s technical skills shows you see the sport thru only one spectrum, a proved when you thought Macklin easily beat Sturm, when in fact he was deservedly beaten, but you let his Irishness and forward approach deceive you. I can’t explain anymore than I did previously what professional judges look for and why there are different technical skills in boxing. That’s not withstanding the fact that I have actually been in the ring and trained boxers. I suppose I shouldn’t expect you to understand.

It’s funny you laud negative defensive Italian football but can’t see good defensive technique and clean counter attack in boxing.

Now I’ll give you another day to come back to me to go read some old articles.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 775797, member: 273”]Again, money means nothing when you are talking about fighting the best and legacy.

Why would Calzaghe move up weights? He was at an ideal weight with possible one move up. Not everyone in this world feels the need to “prove themselves” to the yanks. He was the champ, and again, it’s not always about money. They offered plenty fights to the yanks and they refused.

Mayweather moved weights due to natural growth and development. It’s bizarre in the extreme to blame Manny for anything in regards those fight not happening, Mayweather came up with every trick in the book and the drug testing was some if the childish and petty stuff ever invented. The irony of it all is its pretty well established by people at BALCO that Mayweather was on drugs as well.

Thankfully I’m an independent thinker and I don’t feel the need to agree with whatever bullshit story the general media try to pedal me.

The fact you ain’t appreciate Froch’s technical skills shows you see the sport thru only one spectrum, a proved when you thought Macklin easily beat Sturm, when in fact he was deservedly beaten, but you let his Irishness and forward approach deceive you. I can’t explain anymore than I did previously what professional judges look for and why there are different technical skills in boxing. That’s not withstanding the fact that I have actually been in the ring and trained boxers. I suppose I shouldn’t expect you to understand.

It’s funny you laud negative defensive Italian football but can’t see good defensive technique and clean counter attack in boxing.

Now I’ll give you another day to come back to me to go read some old articles.[/quote]


Every paragraph there is a new contradiction. First of all you start off by stating the importance of pride and legacy and then in the next paragraph you ask why would Calzaghe prove himself? Is that level of thickness just an act or did it make sense in your head? Anyway, in the boxing world Calzaghe was nowhere near the reputation of the likes of Hopkins and Jones, his demands were unrealistic and why should they go to Britain to fight him? It’s like asking the Pope to call around to your house for tea. If Calzaghe really wanted to prove himself, to test himself then he would have gone to America. To be fair to Froch, he did do that.

The proceeding paragraph then divulges into a load of conjecture and a lovely use of the term “well established” that Mayweather was using drugs. :rolleyes: Obviously it’s not well established.

The third paragraph about calling yourself an “independent thinker”. :smiley: Is that code for idiot?

The penultimate paragraph once again defines your propensity to spoof and then when it gets called out to go into a condescending tone and relate to everyone how you are an expert in the field. I don’t claim to be an expert in boxing, I’ve followed it with a moderate degree of interest all my life, however I do know enough to identify a spoofer and you are most certainly one. One of the last things you would call Froch is a technically skilled boxer, he’s well conditioned, he’s heavy handed, he’s got a great chin and real grit and determination, if he had technique to go with that he’d be an all time great. The guy is slow, he’s awkward, he’s flat footed and he fights with his chin. “Good defensive technique” :D.

Thanks for bringing the Macklin fight up again, this was the fight where German TV had him winning the fight by four rounds. Great to see you have a similar mind to judges who award controversial decisions, just reinforces your lack of understanding about boxing. In addition to that, nice anecdotal evidence that you are a former boxer and current trainer, it’s just a pity that I am a former Olympian and have trained a succession of Golden Gloves Champions which I guess would qualify my opinion to count more than yours.


without knowing much I always thought Calzaghe was fighting guys on the way down when he went to America…but is it really an insult to him that they put him on the canvas?..surely there’s always a risk of getting floored when you go in the ring with another professional especially proven fighters regardless of prime or not, they still know how to throw punches…

They’d have finished the job off if they were in their prime was the point I was making.

:eek: :clap:

Who knew? We have Francy Barrett as a member.

What ever about RJJ, Hopkins was as good then as he ever was. He went to the states, beat the only two decent guys who would take him on and finished undefeated. Thing was he wasn’t in his prime either,2-3 years past it, so all in all it was pretty even.

The fact is, now more than ever, top fighters simply don’t fight each other unless there is retiring type money available. It ruins the sport.

If anyone would, you would.

I would ya.

Anyone got a link to the Froch fight, chaps?

The crowd completely out of sync with the recording of god help the queen there

I hate when that happens.

First round to Froch.