The link is pretty good…froch is on top so far
Another good round for Froch.
2 rounds to Froch
Froch has him rattled
Kessler not moving his head enough and leaving himself a sitting target for the jab.
Froch in control, Kessler just can’t get to him.
This could be over shortly
Kessler’s round. Finally he starts to try and slip the jab and finds a lot of success.
Kessler must have heard you, that round was better for him. Still not sure I’d give it to him.
Another round for Kessler.
Thats Kesslers round
Hardly. Kesslers round there.
Kessler again. Froch looks a bit weary.
Another for Kessler, level for me at the halfway stage. Kessler has began to dominate and is making Froch look uncouth, think Froch’s superior conditioning may be the deciding factor however.
Now it’s kicking off!
Froch stops the rot in that one. This is good stuff.
Great end to the seventh, would give it to Froch.
Think Forch asborped the punches better.
That was a good round
Froch has an unbelievable chin.
Good round for Kessler after he looked in big trouble in the eight.