Boxing Thread

Which of the best fighters Mayweather fought weren’t past their peak?

Mayweather is an exceptional talent. He is amazing. But he hasn’t taken on anything approaching the challenges the likes of Leonard or Jones did.

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 1134657, member: 1533”]Which of the best fighters Mayweather fought weren’t past their peak?

Mayweather is an exceptional talent. He is amazing. But he hasn’t taken on anything approaching the challenges the likes of Leonard or Jones did.[/QUOTE]
If he fights Khan ir will be first fighter with the career and peak in his career that could be counted world class in his prime …he won’t fight Khan …You can’t defend against speed like that , he would get out scored and mayweathers days Of knocking people out are long gone …HE IS AN AMAZING DEFENSIVE HIT AND RUN TALENT …but as someone said no one watches boxing to see someone deflect for 12 rounds …he is rich Mayweather … But as the song goes …MONEY CANT BUY YOU LOVE !!!

Mayweather has beaten everything put in front of him, is 48/0. That pretty much ends the discussion.


[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1134675, member: 1517”]Mayweather has beaten everything put in front of him, is 48/0. That pretty much ends the discussion.

Marciano 49-0 and not even in the frame for best greatest at his weight. So no, it doesn’t end the discussion, numpty.

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 1134657, member: 1533”]Which of the best fighters Mayweather fought weren’t past their peak?

Mayweather is an exceptional talent. He is amazing. But he hasn’t taken on anything approaching the challenges the likes of Leonard or Jones did.[/QUOTE]

He hasn’t had to. It’s called prize fighting, he had no incentive to take these risks and he ended up fighting them in the end anyway. He acquiesced to all De La Hoya’s demands for their fight and it will be the biggest name on his list at the end of his career. How many of these figthers did Mayweather himself fight when he was past his peak. He may have been selective in his fights throughout his career but he could afford to be. As for Jones, pull the other fucking one. If you are saying Jones was a man for stepping up to challenges and Mayweather wasn’t then you are fucking deluded, Jones was a magnificent fighter but he was every bit as guilty of Mayweather from taking the easy fights - again it was because he could afford. Leonard fought in a different era of boxing where the politics were less of a factor and the big fights everyone wanted to see were a lot easier to make happen.

How long did Jones avoid giving Hopkins a rematch when he fought chumps all around the place?
How come he didn’t try and defend his belt at heavweight?

Who did Jones fight at his peak?

Mayweather will have bigger names on his career record than Jones has when he retires and the more you speak on this matter, the more utterly clueless you are coming across. Trying to slander Mayweather’s achievements by running him down for something Jones was equally as culpable is ridiculous.

Who did Jones fight at his peak?

Hopkins - he didn’t even have a world title belt to his name at the time and Jones went into the fight a lot heavier.
McCallum was 40 when Jones beat him.
Toney - a good boxer, I’ll give him that one.
Trinidad - a joke fight between two great fighters way past their best with Trinidad being a blown up welterweight

You haven’t a clue. I’m still interested to hear what fighters Mayweather avoided because he felt threatened by them? They said he was avoiding the likes of Mosley, Pacquiao and Cotto yet he fought them and comprehensively beat them.

Who says Marciano isn’t in the frame as one of the greatest heavyweights of all time? You?

He is frequently in top lists of all time top 10 heavyweight and regarded as one of the best so quit with the nonsense. Comparing a one weight world champion to a guy who cleared out five different weight divisions in cruise control undefeated, untroubled and never even touched canvas is a ridiculous comparison. You’re comparing apples with oranges so desist from that tired and ineffective response and admit you are talking out your behind.

[QUOTE=“Nembo Kid, post: 1134721, member: 2514”]He may have been selective in his fights throughout his career but he could afford to be.
I’m glad you’ve finally admitted this.


I’ve said that from the outset, Mayweather takes the most financially rewarding fights - I don’t think he’s scared of anyone in boxing but he’s just interested in the return. After the De La Hoya fight he became the no.1 fighter in boxing and since then he calls the shots - that’s just the way the sport works and your failure to understand that shows how little you know. He took all the risks against De La Hoya and the lower sum of the proceeds - that was the last time Mayweather ever had to that, since that fight he’s the guy who dictates the terms. It’s worked out well for him, he’s the highest earning sportsperson in history.

I’ve said that from the outset, Mayweather takes the most financially rewarding fights - I don’t think he’s scared of anyone in boxing but he’s just interested in the return. After the De La Hoya fight he became the no.1 fighter in boxing and since then he calls the shots - that’s just the way the sport works and your failure to understand that shows how little you know. He took all the risks against De La Hoya and the lower sum of the proceeds - that was the last time Mayweather ever had to that, since that fight he’s the guy who dictates the terms. It’s worked out well for him, he’s the highest earning sportsperson in history.[/QUOTE]
We’re in agreement on all of that.

Your failure to see that being the highest earning doesn’t qualify him as an all time great shows how little you know. Your failure to see how being selective with his opponents as you have stated undermines his credentials shows how little you know.

The greats want to take on challenges. Mayweather wants the safest fights for the most lucrative return. That’s his right if that’s what he wants to do.

He’s still exceptional and the best of his generation, no doubt, he just lacks the quality that sets the greatest fighters apart.

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 1134777, member: 1533”]We’re in agreement on all of that.

Your failure to see that being the highest earning doesn’t qualify him as an all time great shows how little you know. Your failure to see how being selective with his opponents as you have stated undermines his credentials shows how little you know.

The greats want to take on challenges. Mayweather wants the safest fights for the most lucrative return. That’s his right if that’s what he wants to do.

He’s still exceptional and the best of his generation, no doubt, he just lacks the quality that sets the greatest fighters apart.[/QUOTE]

What horseshit.

Mayweather will rightly be included in any debate about the greatest boxer of all time. What he has done in boxing is unprecedented, in any era and it doesn’t matter if you agree or not - he is going down as an all time great and one of the best ever.

No knowledgeable boxing commentator will dispute the fact that he is one of the greatest to ever lace up.

I’ve never once linked his earnings to his greatness. I merely aligned it with his rationale of the fights he has picked. His fight record speaks for his greatness. Once again - what he has done is unparalleled in the sport of boxing. There has never been a boxer so far ahead of the rest of his generation as Mayweather has and the during the era he has fought in there have been some tremendous fighters he has crossed paths with.

Whether you like it or not Mayweather is now going to be there in any discussion about the greatest of all time and he’s earned it.

And it doesn’t undermine him. That’s like saying Ronaldo shouldn’t be considered a great because he decided to move to Madrid for 300k a week instead of Everton for 100k a week.

You are making zero sense all the time.

You won’t even tell us who Mayweather has avoided because at the end of the day he has fought anyone there is worth fighting.

Cleaned five divisions out, did it undefeated, untroubled and never even touched the canvas. I’m going to re emphasise the point for you, what he has done in boxing is unparalleled, it’s on there on its own.

Shane Mosley said that Mayweather is a top 5 all time fighter after the Pacquiao fight and there’s a very good case to be made for that.

Agree to disagree Nimby.

A two second search

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 1134841, member: 1533”]A two second search[/QUOTE]

Sean Ingle. :rolleyes:

That the guy who does that podcast with James Richardson? I said knowledgeable boxing commentators, not generic Brit sports hacks. What does Ingle know about boxing?

It’s a load of shite anyway for precisely the reasons I outlined. You said Mayweather avoided fighters who he felt threatened by.
You said it, now be a man and back it up - who are they? Don’t be just repeating throwaway comments you heard from others. If you don’t know what you’re talking about then say so but stop prolonging this pretence that you do.

What you don’t understand and neither seemingly does Ingle is that boxing has changed. Fights don’t just happen anymore, there are four different boxing organisations today, fighters tied to network companies and promoters who won’t do business with each other.

Leonard, Ali, Robinson and all the other fighters of yesteryear didn’t have that luxury or choice. It wasn’t an option to them as there weren’t the same number of belts up for grab and they had to fight who they were told to fight.

You just don’t understand this, the older boxers had to take on the big fights to hold their belts and to get the biggest purses. That’s changed a lot since, the Jews have really got the it claws into boxing and the toughest and most entertaining fights are not always the most lucrative.

You need to educate yourself on what you’re talking about.

“the Jews have really got the it claws into boxing”

I don’t know why I waste my time responding to you.

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 1134852, member: 1533”]“the Jews have really got the it claws into boxing”

I don’t know why I waste my time responding to you.[/QUOTE]

Arum, Schaefer - boxing at the high end level is controlled by sneaky Jews.

[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1134675, member: 1517”]Mayweather has beaten everything put in front of him, is 48/0. That pretty much ends the discussion.


al Haymen isn’t a Jew or Frank warren or most of the promoters at the top …anti Semitic rubbish

This sport is dead. Lock the thread.

Boxing broke all sporting records last weekend.