Boxing Thread

He got approval from the USA Anti Doping Agency.

Three weeks after he took the banned IVs with no approval from WADA.

It was on their banned list and they cleared it three weeks after the biggest fight in history in which the offender won.

This story will run buddy.

“IVs are banned under WADA guidelines because they can be used to “dilute or mask the presence of another substance,” Hauser’s report disclosed.”.

Passed his test, buddy.

So did Armstrong buddy.

So did Roger Federer.

So do Rafael Nadal.

What is it about this people who passed drugs test that you admire?

Sweep sweep


I’m not a cynic. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Mayweather pushed for stringent testing and passed them but the world is full of bitter bastards intend to drag those down.

Like Messi?

It’s open knowledge Messi took HGH which is banned, it has been admitted by the player and club medics.


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It was medically prescribed to him in much the same way that the IVs were prescribed to Mayweather.

He could apply for a post dated therapeutic exemption, which wasn’t necessary at the time as he wasn’t an adult, which would be the same as Mayweather declaring that he used the banned IVs 18 days after he took them and the US ADA saying that it was ok.

I’m not saying that either is guilty but you cannot use the same broad strokes to declare one innocent and the other guilty.

How long a ban will Mayweather get? That’s his record destroyed now.

Messi took banned substances. Mayweather did not.

Yeah he did. The use of those IV ‘substances’ is banned as they mask the presence of performance enhancers.

The substance he took was not banned so please stop misrepresenting facts. You are being disingenuous here.

Did he, or did he not, use a banned IV?

He did not use a banned substance, that is the crux of the matter. I couldn’t give a shit if he snorted mashed potato up his nose or had an apple suppository, the substance Mayweather took was not banned. His test results showed that.

Incorrect. He took a banned IV.

The test showed that the IV was not a performance enhancer. The test did not show whatever the IV was used to mask.

There are serious questions for US ADA to answer over this.

Heads will roll.

Incorrect. He did not take a banned substance.