Boxing Thread

Utter shite, more begrudging. RTE are a national tv channel who lucked out with their association with what looked like a doomed boxer. Hunky Doreys are part of a huge organisation if i’m not mistaken, Walkers?

Thought they were completely independent?

No need to get on the moral high horse again. I am not begrudging it - merely pointing out the facts.

Hunky Dory or not - it was an proper, excellent fight and he won it.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]No need to get on the moral high horse again. I am not begrudging it - merely pointing out the facts.

Hunky Dory or not - it was an proper, excellent fight and he won it.[/quote]

Mac -0 You could be right, but i thought i read once they were owned by one of the big English companies.

Farmer - What facts? Your friend made a statement that has virtually no grounding at all. Is it only big if Sky sports take it? I get the impression Dunne is loyal, and Peters has deals with these people, just because he got a title shot he can’t run off to someone else.
Maybe the offers will come now, but his title is no less merited than any other belt in his weight.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Mac -0 You could be right, but i thought i read once they were owned by one of the big English companies.

Farmer - What facts? Your friend made a statement that has virtually no grounding at all. Is it only big if Sky sports take it? I get the impression Dunne is loyal, and Peters has deals with these people, just because he got a title shot he can’t run off to someone else.
Maybe the offers will come now, but his title is no less merited than any other belt in his weight.[/quote]

It’s more Brian Peters. In the documentary about Dunne, Peters talks about wanting the fight on RTE when the Martinez management wanted it on Setanta. I’d say it’s because Peters is trying to promote several fighters, most of which don’t have an audience outside RTE.

Using yer mans logic then Darren Sutherlands fight in the DCU basketball court a few months ago was more important that the title fight on Saturday!

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Farmer - What facts? Your friend made a statement that has virtually no grounding at all. Is it only big if Sky sports take it? I get the impression Dunne is loyal, and Peters has deals with these people, just because he got a title shot he can’t run off to someone else.
Maybe the offers will come now, but his title is no less merited than any other belt in his weight.[/quote]

Spot on Kev. That was one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever read on here. And I’ve read most of your rugby football offerings, Kevin, so that’s no mean feat for Farmer.

What the fook have Brian Peters’ sponsors got to do with the overall quality of the particular weight division? Sweet fook all. He did well to get Dunne the title shot and naturally it was shown on RTE and sponsored by Hunky Dorys given these contracts are already in place.

It’s hardly a surprise that the Panamanian didn’t have his own lucrative TV deal that would have scuppered the possibility of the fight being shown on RTE. It doesn’t strike me as the richest country in the world and Sky and Setanta are hardly going to be buying up his fights - is there a demand for Panamanian boxers’ fights in this part of the world?

Of course, that doesn’t mean the weight division is a joke - it’s just that it’s dominated by fighters from a different geographic region.

Out of interest, will there be a rematch now? Would it be in Panama? Wouldnt really fancing going over there for a fight!

That fella has only ever lost when he has fought ourside of Panama. He is undefeated on home soil (30 or so bouts).

Yeah I heard that. Thats why I asked the question! Be hard to fancy Dunne over there.

34 of his 38 overall I think. Has lost twice with two ties. Won’t be in Panama, will be in Croke Park before it will be there.

Is it not his choice though as the challenger?

No, title holder has all the power. Financial reasons are why title holders sometimes go into the challenger’s den.

Ah right. Thought it was the other way around for some reason. Especially for re-matches where the title has changed hands.

Your right there Bandage, alot of the Latin boxers are in weak positions when it comes to fighting as the “Western” countries get to flash the cash.
You haven’t a fucking clue what your talking about concerning rugby though.:smiley:

The silence from farmer on this is deafening.

I fancy a bag of Hunky Dorys.

You sure they’ll be prestigious enough for you farmer?

Had it been Hula Hoops that were sponsoring it I would be calling him the next Ali.


Fine, his last fight against someone good, ie Hopkins.