Boxing Thread

The Joshua three.


I’m sounding like someone else here,but I was out last night with an optometrist who tested fury’s eyes for his boxing license. A cork girl, but I don’t hold it against her. She said he was absolutely a lovely man.
I’m delighted.
I hope he doesn’t go off the rails.


thats a couple of lads you know now

Delighted for a fellow conspiracy theorist and galwayman

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Haye will give it the big one looking for a fight now.
He should be told to fuck off.


Klitschko is a gentleman, a sportsman, a highly intelligent and articulate individual.

Fury is loud obnoxious stupid cunt.
I hope some big black lad bates the head off of him.


James Degale also wins, what a night for British boxing

I agree with all that but I was just bored with him jabbing and then leaning on opponents. There were many nights when Klitschko should have been deducted points but wasn’t.

The british don’t like Tyson Fury either. It’s all Anthony Joshua for them.

Tyson Fury is the former Irish Heavyweight Champion, for me it was great to see him do what he did last night.

He’ll sell seats in the U.S. When HBO had him ahead last night I felt confident about my bet.

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Saw Jono Carroll box Geraghty last year in Dublin and was impressive. Sounds like a decent sort.

He moves well and is stylish enough but has no power. Less needed in Super Feather than Lightweight but a bit like the pocket rocket. It gets through the division but most of the top guys have the power behind their punches.

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He’s not really. Don’t mistake education for intelligence. Furt seems like one of the smarter boxers out there. He sells a fight and then he settles down. I felt he sounded quite on the ball all along and even more so now thinking back on what he was telling us. He did exactly what he said he would. He is a family man, an open minded man and someone proud of where he came from and all of its diversity.

I’d love to train him. If he ever got a real S&C coach he could add 20/30% power. Doubt he’d let that in though although he did up the training a level, from what i saw (and you often don’t see the real work) its still pretty old school training.



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He is not an open minded man, Kev. He is a religious bigot and a scumbag. That was an awful fight and told everything you needed to know about the heavyweight division. Rubbish.


I hope she didn’t breach patient confidentiality.

Fury is an alright sort, has some very interesting views as well.


Ya about the end of the world owing because the gays got some rights and the world being full of devils. He’s a simpleton. I was glad he beat Klitschko last night but he’s not an alright sort. He was fairly funny last night after the fight though and he’s an entertaining enough fucker.

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Fury is only 27. He looks 39 to me if he looks a day.

What’s the extent of his Irish background? I didnt hear him mention that part lately.

Mother from Belfast. Think he may have been born there.

What a wonderful man, champion and family values role model Tyson Fury is. The sport is in very safe hands now. All this carping about Tyson is getting a bit tiresome. What’s even more tiresome is the constant harping back to a supposed golden era of heavyweight pugilism when an attention seeking draft dodging, wife swapping, black supremacist muslim was supposedly the essence of charisma.


Last night was a victory traditional family values and the sanctity of marriage


Furey has strong views on homosexualism as well. Something I agree with

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