Boxing Thread

They got one fairly recently but i saw a fair shot of the training and eitger he is still boxing old school or he wasn’t allowed do everything he wanted (a very normal thing for a s&c coach).

And even if they are on the right track he is still years away from his max. And thats not the argume t you were having. You were saying he was champ and how could someone like me help him.

You really are dumb.

When you coach anything to be successful come back to me.

Fury looked great the other night and really fresh towards the end. There’s not too many heavyweights around who could move like that against Klotschko and still look like they another few rounds in them.

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Gents, I’ll be attending a boxing promotion in Brooklyn tomorrow night with two gentlemen named Daniel Jacobs v. Peter Quillin being the main attraction. There are two Puerto Ricans fighting each other in the under card that are supposed to be tasty, I cannot be arsed googling them.

Can any of the forums boxing aficionados mark my card for me and let me know what to look out for tomorrow night? Thanks in advance.

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Quillan is a decent middleweight and should win

He is also a cunt.

Look out for the traffic it’s brutal down there

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I’ll be getting the subway there, was there for a hoops game so know the score.

Kid Chocolate stoppage for me.

Gives a wave Matty!

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Yeah I’d say late stoppage for KC

Wasn’t going to stay up but the Christmas tree and decorations took longer than expected, relaxing now.

New York fight so should be in the ring for 3.30. Bed by 4.30am so should still make 10am mass.

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Main event about to start, under card has been superb so far. Except for the last fight!

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Enjoy Matty!

Hope Quillin dies

A tad harsh.

I hate him. He’s everything that’s wrong with the sport.


That worked out at about a dollar a second I paid for that, Quillan was destroyed cunts behind me going fucking apeshit saying the ref stopped it too soon, not IMO.


Take him out the back and shoot him. The horrible fraudulent cunt. I hope he never earns a pay cheque in the sport again.

Should have been a standing eight count but wouldn’t have made a difference. He needed a minute, he was gone.