Boxing Thread

Jaysus some of you lads are inbred.

Fuck off Flano you half-baked cunt. You have any idea how long I’d to spend in tesco this evenin pickin up enough shite to make sure your mother would’nt eat me after we mate?


It looked more like a crude attempt at faux bravado to everyone else who was unfortunate enough to be watching…

The last time I saw a punch like that landing was on Pop Eye…

Popeye doesn’t have ths skill to pull off a classy move like that

In all fairness thats a bit much when fag(ott}an is not here to defend himself

not a rumour - there were links to it here before - think he was up in court for it

very true - he defo thought he could do well

hope he made a few quid from it anyway

Tough aul job the cops in fairness. I wouldn’t have thought it until the brother joined em. I still think they’re a shower of cunts but I wouldn’t fancy the shit they go through on a saturday night.

either would I in fairness - suppose its like any job- you get some good guys & some cunts

No they’re mainly cunts. Defo a tough job but its no reason to spare the cunts. All the overtime they want, secured income, pension, guranteed pay rise for fourteen years. Fuck em. The minute you soft on em is the minute they go wrong.

Just after watching the Rogan/Harrisson fight there, I was awful lucky to get my bet in, it could have gone either way

On a different note, just watched a Pacino scene in the Merchant of Venice on BBC2. Beats the fuck out of anything else I’ve seen him in in the last twenty years.

after 4 rounds of the de la hoya-pacquio fight, all 4 rounds so far go to the filipino

He’s doin the business alright the little fucker. Either its all a big act or Goldy should go back to dancin around hotel rooms.

Pacman is giving him a schooling here I can’t believe Oscar is so bad tonight

Ah here boys what the fuck is this like? De la Hoya is takin the piss here.

It’s unreal, is it the weight or has age caught up with him I wonder?
Or is it Pacman is just the best fighter on the planet I can’t believe what I’m seeing here

wow unreal

unreal stuff, De la hoya was too bad to be true…

Hitman V Pacman @ wembley next summer?