Breaking News- China

The US don’t have to do much these days militarily. They won’t put troops in but have such superior technology it is kind of irrelevant. That’s the big lesson from Afghanistan and Iraq.

China can’t lay a glove on them really.

But it wouldn’t come without consequences. It’s where those cost/benefit considerations sit is interesting for thought.

If you knew the States, you’d know Garland. He is old school “progressive” stop the war. He made a tit of himself over Russia so has leaned further into the anti American/NATO stuff since. It’s a real sign of a simpleton who retweets him.

There’s always consequences. There’s been negative consequences of bringing China into the world order since the 1970s.

The US sits pretty geographically and resource wise. Culturally, everyone wants to copy them. Militarily they can sit on their hat.

Trump was correct in challenging China on trade- Biden has defacto continued that and it’s one of the elements of his foreign policy I’d support a lot. Biden made a tit of himself in Afghanistan but Putin couldn’t help himself.

China need to be pressed back on. They had it too sweet for a long time.

Are you American, Tim?


It’s a fine bit of satire…the fact that it gained such traction says how thin the US foreign policy veneer really is.

This is also a superb piece of satire… unless you’re serious, in which case you might want to reassess your understanding of what it is to be a simpleton

No need for US to put servicemen in numbers like they did in Afghanistan and Iraq again unless the global situation changes (i.e. world war).

No President will do it and nor should they, it was a folly in Iraq. That’s what turned a lot of Americans against the “establishment”, both red and blue (appreciate you wouldn’t get this).

Iraq was a silly waste of time (though some good intentions). The problem is that we have a few from the tin foil hat brigade like yourself who have been taught that Eastern European countries wanting to get closer to the West is as bad as Iraq. It’s their choice and it’s been them who have been pushing it.

I pointed out to you on the Ukraine thread that in your search for truth on podcasts that you hadn’t yet gone a level deeper on President Yanukovych et al. Let us all know when you get to that podcast and your knowledge has improved.

I dont think any decent or sane person would call the needless death of a million Iraqis ‘a silly waste of time’, nor would they describe the pretend search for nonexistent wmd as ‘good intentions’.
I’ll put that down to callous ignorance…the bit about tinfoil hats is just a predictable example of a complete lack of self-awareness

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Putting on a moralising show when the thrust of your core argument on world affairs is the out of date John Mearsheimer school of “respecting empires”. That’s what led to the deaths of many millions but I guess that’s your famous nuance.

Anything more on this one Glen beyond you taking the first contrarian view your saw and running with it? It’s a real shame that you’ve been this intellectually lazy. Too g’d up on confidence from your Covid positive I guess.

Silly and well intentioned is your very own brutal and unjustified

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While everyone is ratcheting up the juniper, balloon, sex shows for toddlers dog and pony show tensions…

He’ll do fucking nothing

For what its worth the US are stoking up tensions in the area, blockading numerous countries, interfering with aid to famine and earthquake hit countries, and making very poor decisions regarding who does and doesn’t visit Taiwan. China is patiently and relentlessly spending billions in circumventing US attempts at commercial shipping interference , which brings us back to Ukraine. It’s actually bizarre, as if the entire US foreign policy is aimed at making democracy look like the corpulent embodiment of an eighty year old corrupt degenerate. Meanwhile trans rights.

Hard to believe you’d blame the US and think China are the good guys, I mean who would have seen that coming, really.

It’s not about good guys and bad guys, thats just your own cartoonish childish view of the world. Its about trade, supremacy and the interests of a relatively few corporations and individuals.

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Your entire view of the world is based on the infantile notion that anybody who opposes the US or its allies is good.

No offence mate, but you’re a fucking simpleton. The simpleton’s simpleton. And you aren’t worth my time.


The US for all its flaws (like capitalism) is better than the alternatives. The worry is how much the US is financially vulnerable, 30 trillion in debt and spending like a drunken sailor. If it loses reserve currency status could be serious trouble ahead.

I suppose it depends on where you’re standing. Was it kissinger who said something along the lines of ‘it’s bad to be our enemy but its fatal to be our friend’…which brings us back to Ukraine?