Breaking News- China

As flies to wanton boys are we to the corporations. They kill us for their sport.
Ne’er a truer word said.

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Your entire view of the US is shaped by which party is in power there at the time.

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Point out where I’m wrong in what you perceive as my views.

You could have written your novel in the time you spent furiously defending the steele dossier. It was quite something

It’s only a matter of time before they invade Taiwan isn’t it?

They would get smoked by America. It’s difficult to describe how much firepower they have on hand and that’s only the stuff we know about

Who have on hand?

They wouldn’t. America would do nothing overt.


They would definitely stop an invasion of Taiwan right now. It will be a different story when they have enough chip founderies up and running to meet their demands but right now it’s a national security issue. They wouldn’t invade China but any invading fleet would be made to disappear within hours

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The American armed forces are much more diverse. No way the chinese can beat them.

I’m not so sure.

There’s a glut of chips at the moment due to economies slowing down

That admiral with the skirt would sort the Chinese in jig time.

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Only a fool questions the US military industrial complex. They build tanks and immediately mothball them just to keep the factory ticking over.

The US surely have a few magic weapons the World knows nothing about in case of emergency

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We’d be seeing them in Ukraine if they had.

They have to. They built a type of fighter plane in the 80’s that no country has been able to replicate since. Go to war with America and I bet you’d have a tornado land on your parliament building in the morning or something ridiculous like that.

Have a look for an article about the time a Wagner group army group attacked an American guarded oil field in syria.

Sure we’ve had flying saucers since 1947.

Nah. The normal stuff will do there