Breaking News- China

They get all the excess stuiff from the last war.

The Russians are sending out shit from the 1950s. The US cast offs are plenty good


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Some pile of shite being spouted here. The americans haven’t won a war since the russians won ww2 for them and the brits. They were hounded out of vietnam by lads armed with pyjamas and they were bate out of Afghanistan by cave dwelling goat herders mounted on camels. They’re dead handy at laying siege to unarmed children in Yemen though.
Besides if there’s a war with china they literally won’t be able to find uniforms to fit them

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If a conventional war started in the Pacific it would be over in a week with the US routed. They will never fight that war though.

Have you a link

Interesting to see Chinese perspective propaganda starting to permeate the cyberworld. Can see how their spin on it could be lapped up

Also interesting that TikTok is the tool giving the platform

The same lads that were previously fanatically anti-China are now becoming pro-China because their hero Chinese agent Elon Musk is telling them to.

You’d want your head examined to be on tiktok or twitter.

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It’s very dangerous for low IQ fellas.

The Golden Lion King is delighting his Chinese paymasters. He’ll get a lovely stroke of his lovely mane from the Chinese for this.

The US also says that Taiwan is part of China


They’re pro china i think

Mick Wallace is an embarrassment to the country

At least he’s getting paid a lot of money to be such.

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Please set out in a minimum of 1000 words exactly what the relations between the US and Taiwan are, with sources.


Start naming names here people.

@Ceist Please set out in a minimum of 1000 words exactly what the relations between the US and Taiwan are, with sources.

As an AI language model, I am not capable of browsing the internet to find the latest sources of information. However, I can provide you with some basic information about the US-Taiwan relations.

The United States has been a strong supporter of Taiwan since 1949 when the Nationalist government led by Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan after losing the Chinese Civil War. The US was one of the few countries that recognized Taiwan as a separate state from China until 1979, when the US established formal diplomatic relations with China and recognized the “One China” policy.

Despite this, the US has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan, providing political and military support to the island nation. The US has sold arms to Taiwan, and the two countries have engaged in military cooperation and joint military exercises. In 2018, the US passed the Taiwan Travel Act, which encourages high-level visits between US and Taiwanese officials.

However, the US faces pressure from China, which considers Taiwan to be a renegade province and has threatened military action if Taiwan declares independence or seeks international recognition. The US has expressed its commitment to the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue and has urged both sides to engage in dialogue.

In conclusion, the US-Taiwan relations are complex and involve political and military support, but are also heavily influenced by China’s stance on Taiwan.

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