Breaking News- China

You could not make it up. The single party Communist state cracking down on monopolies. You’d wonder the real reason for all of this.

Jack needs to learn his place.

Jack is on the missing list. Hardy suspicious the CCP wouldn’t harm a fly

He had to go

Nothing to see here.

You’d want your head examined to go against the Party.

They may well be examining his head.


Why would the chinese communist party allow themselves to be policed by a corporation?

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Speaking to a man on the ground there, he said hubei province is looking to go into military level lockdown after 20 cases reported overnight.

He also said something smells fishy about the national rail now offering full refund to anyone who does not use their tickets to return home for CNY celebrations. Thought it a wise campaign from my view but he reckons money talks loudest usually so is skeptical with fear something is brewing inside the Great Walls.

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It’s insane that China has supposedly had no cases for much of the year. Cities with millions upon millions living on top of one another with very dubious hygiene standards. It simply beggars belief.

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Incredible that they were able to spread it all over the world but couldn’t get anyone in china to contract it.

I asked him about that. He said the fact they are willing to go to military enforced complete lockdown for an entire region based on 20 cases shows how they’ve controlled the virus.

Lockdown means lockdown with these lads!

Sure if the hoax worked once it’ll work a second time. Especially if we want it to

I was talking to an Indian yesterday. He reckons some Indian cities are practically at herd immunity at this stage.

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It’s all kung po duck with these lads or no dinner … they dont fuck about. They have drones and face recognition systems patrolling cities to catch curfew breakers. It’s what’s needed to fight a pandemic but at the same time it goes against the very nature of humanity/existence.

Nah mate. No way. It’s just not possible. Millions upon millions living on top of each other. Tiny gaffs and huge ethos of communal living. Always breaking rules to make a few quid. Horrendous food hygiene. It’s just not possible.


The fucking plague, a disease from the dark ages, is still doing the rounds in India ffs.


Some lovely casual racism here

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Covid 20?