Brexit a dó

And there, for once and probably once only, we can completely agree.

A sign of maturity: being able to live with imperfection.

The EU’s biggest long term issue remains its agriculture policy. Any acre of ground can only give so much. We should not be paying soccer players for pretense of being basketballers.


Jesus- that’s almost as needy as Ryan Tubridy asking a Hollywood B lister if he likes us

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You should probably be down on your hands and knees thanking the older generations for having the wit to join it.


The Aras looks resplendent. This is fantastic to watch.


I signed up to some bargain plan for the Telegraph online. I had a nostalgia for the Telegraph - my mother used to take the Telegraph the odd time when she wanted something different to read and the sister (who used to live in England) used to read it on a Saturday because it had a good travel section. My memory of it was as a conservative middle England paper, well written with a kind of end of Empire feel to it. There was a know thine enemy feel to reading it as well.

Since I signed up though it has become apparent to me that it has become a far right anti immigrant anti lgbt English nationalist batshit rag. I was mildly astonished that something that I remembered reasonably fondly had become so twisted and hateful. I’ve cancelled my sub and am getting the dregs of the last month now.


Its bizarre. The owners are unhinged though. It’s a shame. It’s won the race to the bottom of the broadsheets by a furlong.

I don’t remember a time when it hasn’t been that.

The opinion columns of these supposedly respectable papers like the Telegraph and the Wall Street Journal (and their news sections are largely reputable) are filled with angry reactionaries with hilariously stupid worldviews who wouldn’t be much above Labane or Glenshane or Tom Brady or Gemtrails making fools of themselves every time they write.

This is the natural denouement of that worldview being exposed as the utter fraud it is. The rabid anger of the powerful elites constantly ranting at the powerless or even any politician who represents a tepid form of social democracy.

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Telegraph was always right wing, but it’s now absolutely hateful.

If ye hadn’t stayed neutral in WW2 we might have got in earlier

That would be my read of it.

One of the great what ifs in Irish history.

Some of that sweet sweet Marshall plan money could have been a game changer.

We got some.

It’s the future of the EU you should be worried about… Not what the EEC did in 1976.

Militarisation is the road they are going down.

Also, the single currency has been a huge failure.

Yeah being able to use the euro when we go in holidays all across Europe has been a real disaster alright.

Convenience at a micro level sadly isn’t an indicator as to whether a currency has been successful or not

That drum has been banged in every referendum from the beginning. All the big players are already in NATO

When I lived in London some of the lads in the office that didn’t want to be seen reading the Sun would read the Torygraph. Basically the same slant and news in broadsheet without the tits on page 3.

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Who oversees and sets the agenda for EDTIC?