Brexit a dó

A haymaker. You did well to get up from it. He’s lethal, the little fucker.


I suppose the stupid cunts shouldn’t have voted for brexit.

The only form they’ll need soon is a UB40


I have a theory that Belfast might do quite well out of Brexit, jobs-wise. I was talking yesterday to a guy who runs a coffee company. He’s Irish, Irish-based with most sales online but wants to sell coffee in Britain as well. He’s a distribution centre in Ireland for Irish sales but for his UK distribution centre he’s working out of Belfast, which he described as the “holy grail location”, the reason being that he can import the coffee into Ireland from the continent with no checks, drive it to Belfast and then import fairly easily into Britain. He reckons that’s an easier crossing than going from the continent into Britain directly. If you look at how they’re stopping some of the checks from Belfast to Britain under threat of violence maybe he’s right. Do any of the clever people in the forum have any thoughts on this?

If they can park some of the tribalism it’s set up to do very well being effectively in both the EU and in the UK.

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They are too stupid to see it.

Nordies not being able to get Pelaton since Brexit is wrong.

Oh dear! Why did nobody see this coming?

Well Gove did say a while back that people had had enough of exports.


I think Sam may be being slightly economical with the truth saying he “voted remain” but came round to the Idea of brexit

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That must warm the cockles of your heart .

He’s a bit crabby about it now.

The whole thing is a pure cod.

Yes, but they’re happy British cod in British waters now.

I think he may have been a bit shellfish with his vote alright.

Who’d have thunk it that Brexit would have sunk it.

Boris has made anemone for life here.

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