Brexit a dó

I think we may have underestimated fishing’s place in the hearts of all british people…oh…hang on…never mind

This is well known

The whole Fishing thing is only a cod. The issue is tariffs. The UK don’t want to be in the single market but doesn’t want to pay tariffs to do business with it either. Their real concern however is new tariffs being imposed if they elect to give UK business competitive advantages by being out of the single market.

Boris can’t be seen to give in on fishing because much like the Republicans are dependent on the oddball bible belt brigade and associated redneck types in the US, Boris is reliant on the antiquated English far right nationalists who read the sun think the empire is still operating at full tilt.

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Yeah I suppose it is. Brexit voters love rich families after all.

So is a deal done or not?

Yes. It’s all theatre

The deal was done 6 months ago ffs

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Is that an Eton Mess?


It is done

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Nicholas is in the know

The deal was made 6 months ago ffs, it’s all theatre


A terrific finish to the year from Starmer


The UK parliament is just one big pantomime really. Who can make the best quip

They modelled their democracy on TFK.

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A good quip is the measure of a man

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Surprise, surprise.