Brexit a dó

6000 lorries backed up in Kent with the drivers covered in their own piss and shit with no bit of grub to ate, that Marcron is an evil bastard, Boris should send a few gunboats up the Seine


But sure Calais isn’t that important to ye over there, plenty of other ports around the world in places like South America that ye can do business through right ?

how dare they control their borders

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Ye better conserve the diesel I’d say to keep the generators going in the new year

Boris would send them up the Severn instead the stupid fuck


Some crowd of fuckwits all the same. Farage has done more harm to the UK than Hitler managed for all his efforts.

Farage is just a yapping dog. The Tory party as a whole did it. Cameron is the main culprit today, and a chinless coward he is in the grand tradition.
The only upside is there will be less consumption as the country gets poorer.

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As much of a wanker he is, no, he is not the main culprit.

He’s the one who called the referendum

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He shat himself over the threat of UKIP to his core vote. If he had anything about him he would have told them to get fucked.

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If he won it would have boxed in the rebels for a generation. Shrewd Enda tried to warn him off stating that the public like to use a referendum to give the government a kicking and not to address the issue at hand

Imagine the audacity of giving ordinary people a vote on a binary topic .

There always needed to be a vote on the brits being in the EU .

Ordinary people are too thick to understand the complexity of governance, which is why we have a representative democracy. The downside however is that the elected politicians also happen to be thick


Maybe if one of those binary outcomes had been more definite than simply ‘leave’ then the great british pleblic might have gave a little more thought to the entirety of the matter.
Maybe…but i doubt it.

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The real problem was that there was never a referendum in the UK on the EU treaties over the years . At least paddy got the odd chance to give them a kick . The lack of a clear codified constitution probably the factor here .

Yep. We’re decent at running referenda to be fair to us.

The Brits also had the legacy of the Empire. Didn’t like being a member of a club, wanted to run the club. Paddy is well versed in having someone tell him what to do.

They had a referendum in 1975.