Brexit a dó

Tommy Gorman was noticably seething on this earlier today and now on the 6OCN

Tommy needs to realise his job isn’t to seethe but report the news . Also I thought he was retired .

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I thought he was retired too.

He announced he is retiring. In keeping with RTE tradition he is having a six week back slapping send off.

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Quite the stunt by the Brits. The EU will prob need to figure out that strongly worded statements aren’t worth a fuck and will just have the Brits sniggering.

The EU fucked up by triggering Article 16.

Threatening to trigger - they didn’t actually do anything

It was enough

Deliveroo tanking, morto for London stock market

Maybe most serious people realise that the very concept is peak fuck wittery - nothing to do with Brexit

The market said “no” to slave labour.


The market said no but urban snowflakes tweeting about “right wing” this and that & the evil of capitalism will continue to use the cunts .

Today was a good day for capitalism


Think the market just said no thanks to a marketing and mapping company.

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But they’d normally but the shares

Deliveroo exiting Dublin would be a blow to the inner city crime scene.

Stop. We’ll be back walking to the chipper or having to throw a few bob cash to the Chinese delivery man.

Cant blame this wan on covid.

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Once the pubs are open and the rickshaws are back up and running the drug trade supply chains should go back to normal.

How come some UK* companies can deliver to Ireland but some can’t or won’t?
There is almost a complete stop on live plants and seeds. Very annoying.

*Northern Ireland is no longer in the UK it seems.

The protocol

Looks like WAR in the Channel Islands.