Brexit a dó

Different rules for Flora and Fauna crossing a frontier id imagine

Gunboat diplomacy is back.

Huzzah for the queen, huzzah.
Bally frenchies should know their place, what what.

And local elections taking place in tanland.

Must be very frustrating for people, especially unionists I suppose, that they can no longer purchase goods from the likes of without facing import charges. I’m no economist but I find it hard to get my head round this.

Amazing :rofl:

What’s to become of all the land that these retiring/repositioning farmers will leave behind them?
I wonder…

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Rewilding. Wolves.

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Resettlement of immigrants or an amazon warehouse.

We live in incredible times.

There’s a great oul Twitter account spoof called markfrancois

James Dyson will buy it

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:smiley: that can’t be true!

That’s fucking hilarious

I see this Romanian/Chinese teenager born in Canada is now a British tennis player, seeing as she has made the last 16 in Wimbledon.

she’'ll be British until she ends up like Scotland’s Andy Murray

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Spoken like a true Brexiteer

We had a South African raised in New Zealand until he lost the other day :uk:

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And rice and grealish. They’ll be paddys again soon enough