Brexit a dó

Here’s hoping.


Just saw this on the R/Scotland reddit

At least they aren’t paying €26 for a steak and chips.

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Fuck um, and fuck Trevelyan

The non clumping form of cat litter is very popular with gardeners for its moisture retaining properties and is virtually impossible to get.

I kid you not.

I’m sure Breda and Nuala will get back to him promptly.

Breda and Nuala don’t use Reddit, it’s Fiachra, Jack and Sadhbh.

And on Twitter is Fiachra (he/him), Jack (Free Palestine) and Sadbh (views my own).

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There’s no steak or chips to pay £26 for

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Fuck half of them.
If you read a book like The Road to Nab End, you’ll realise that John Bull fucked his own just as badly as everyone else’s.

They are starving on the mainland.

Are the shelves really empty ?

I’ve only been to didsbury aldi and they’re grand there. More stuff than you could ever eat. Question really is what’ll happen in October or whenever the agreement runs out.

Let them eat cake.


The tans will be back in the bulk of the EU within a generation, if they can avoid going bankrupt in the meantime, which, in my view, isn’t at all a gimme.

Surely it wont take that long flatty?

It’ll take that long for many reasons.
A. The fools wot won brExit will be unable to admit they were wrong. A significant portion are insulated from the effects by wealth and age, or poverty and age. Most are bigots and racists though they won’t admit it.
B It’ll take a clever reframe by government, which looks increasingly polarised and so far from diplomatic that it’s hard to see this happening.
C It’ll take a lot of humble pie from John Bull to the EU to let them even back into the EEA, which is where they should have stayed.
D it’s politically toxic to even suggest it at present.


Are private parcels posted from the UK subject to import duties and VAT?
How is this controlled by An Post now?

They are. An Post throw the parcel up in the air and it lands on a grid they have on the ground. Whatever price it lands on is the price you’ve to pay.