Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

It’s funny that the demographic most likely to be adversely affected by this are the ones who voted for it. You couldn’t make it up

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The enduring stupidity of the English.


I “fixed” that for you.

They won their country back. It’ll be the Empire next, they had better tool up on the Suez.

The UK is on the brink of civil war.

I’d say our tax rate be under renewed attack as well

If they ran the referendum next Thursday again id say remain would romp home


Google reported a sharp rise in UK-based internet searches for ways of obtaining a passport for the Republic of Ireland

A private exit poll conducted on Thursday by the businessman Lord Ashcroft showed that there was no difference between male and female voters - but very sharp differences between voters according to age, ethnicity, education and personal wealth.

Most of those working full- or part-time voted to remain, for example, while most of those who are not working wanted to leave. More than half of those on a personal pension voted to leave, a figure that rose to two-thirds of those on a state pension. Some 55% of those who own their homes outright voted to leave.

The older the voter, the more likely they were to vote to leave: 60% of those aged 65 or more voted to leave, while nearly three-quarters of 18-to-24-year- olds voted to remain.

The people who voted for it are ones who see the least direct consequences of doing so. That figure on those who own their own homes will particularly rile up the younger generation.

Today would appear to be a perfect day to “take out the trash” as they say in political circles.


Britain under Boris Johnson is going to be fucking hilarious.

May be a rerun yet.
Blind optimism on my part maybe.

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Should be a cracker of a Spanish election on Saturday, brexit has been a #gamechanger

I think so. Talks of long negotiations before an article 50 letter is ever submitted. What odds a change of government before those are ever complete and a decision by the new one to go again.

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No chance. The EU wants them gone asap. The process will be streamlined, this is not the Nice treaty we’re talking about, the brits are gonzo

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Yeah the mandarins in Brussels are going to want to go in hard on the Brits here.