Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Yeah. She listens to BBC radio 6.

Time to go home Flatty and set up a bike rental business.

Maybe you’re right. Bar the bike rental bit. Just when things were getting interesting here as well.

I’d be sick if I was a Londoner. Propping up shitholes like Manchester and Liverpool for decades and now fucked out of Europes elite by the same. These are turbulent political times and there is no doubt that Independence for LDN is now firmly on the agenda

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A minority of his party forced a referendum on him. As it turned out they were the ones in touch with their constituents. The party who are truly fucked here are Labour, as the largest leave votes came from their traditional strongholds, confirming they have completely lost touch with their constituents.

If Cameron were a leader he would have accepted the will of the electorate, stayed on and put his country first and led the negotiations with the EU. As you say though he is just another spineless politician who put himself first.

Why are you so against exiting the EU, Flatty? It’s answer to issues has been “more bureaucracy”! It’s a failed project.

I am not belittling whatever legitimate fears Britons may have, but I strongly suspect it will all be fine. It’ll be grand, even.

I don’t think many English people go to Ballyponsa, mate. Magaluf up the road is a different story.

That isn’t politically palatable labane, you know that well. I don’t believe a majority of Tory MPs signed that letter either, as it happens.

Cameron was doomed whether he resigned or didn’t today. If he had stayed there would be morons up and down the UK demanding he leave. He could not lead negotiations, it simply wouldn’t have worked.

His political career is over and his legacy in tatters, he can’t sink much lower.

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How is it a failed project?

The Welsh voting to leave is gas. Don’t they get something like half a billion in EU funds every year?

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Liverpool voted IN, mate. We are citizens of Europe and proud of it.

It’s time for a Scousexit from the Union.

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NHS is also not alone going to not get the 350 m a week additional it needs but cost of a drugs it imports got a whole pile dearer today. Also risking losing loads of highly paid overseas medics who’s wages are now worth significantly less

That’s very interesting. A bit like the Republican states being the biggest net recipients of federal aid while also being the most hostile to the federal government.

I disagree. The conservatives had the opportunity to wipe Labour off the face of the political landscape for at least a generation. If they go with a nutter like Boris or a weak leader they will throw that opportunity away. The entire Labour party were in favor of staying and although their “campaigning” was atrocious, they are stuck with that position. The conservatives were split, but it was a referendum, not a general election. If Cameron cared about the country he would have stayed, he just doesn’t have the balls to face the EU after the loss of face.

The most subsidies of any area in all of Europe apparently.

I agree Boris would be a poor choice to destroy Labour further.

But Cameron also said this was more important than a General Election. The implications of this are far greater than a general election.

I imagine he doesn’t want to face them alright but he simply had to go once this happened.

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Cameron had fuck all option but to resign. He staked his political career on this, the same as he did with the Scottish referendum. To think anything else is just silly.

Corbyn on the other hand did not force this referendum, did not stake his career on it and would win another Labour leadership election if he had to go again.

Talk talk though your arse

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

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