Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Doesn’t every US Presidential candidate?

its a bit like a coon


I don’t write nonsense all over this forum saying how I think the Muslim religion is great, no more than I do about any other religion, because I think it’s a load of nonsense, just as I think all other religions are a load of nonsense.

You, on the other hand, have been all over the forum for months like an ADD-addled child after 20 cans of Coke spouting Trump’s hate-filled propaganda at every turn.

You are saying I am using propaganda against a “minority”.

Either you want to deal with the statistics relating to the attitudes of Muslims or not.

I don’t see many differences between the attitudes of you and the rest of the ELC and these intolerant Muslims you speak of, mate. You both appear to have a serious problem with gays, women, immigrants, people of other religions and ethnic minorities, and any sort of liberalism or “PC agenda” as you so tediously love to call it. Surely you should be calling for the deportation of yourself and the rest of the ELC (some of whom have already taken it upon themselves to deport themselves and become immigrants in other countries) given that you’re guilty of the very same attitudes that you accuse others of?

As my mate Ben Shapiro says, facts don’t care about your feelings.

Either you want to deal with the statistics on Muslims attitudes worldwide or not. I am dealing with those and those alone.

Where have I ever shown myself to have an issue with “gays” or “women”. I am against cultures immigrating who are openly hostile to these groups, including stoning and honour killings. You on the other hand would like to roll out the red carpet to them.

It’s not a crime to follow a stupid religion or have an irrational dislike for homosexuality or women, mate, much as I think anybody who does has serious issues, and we already have plenty of those people here.

There’s a hell of a lot of people in the US with those type of views and who also condone torture and killing prisoners. I don’t see any objection from you to those people coming to Ireland. And as long as they keep their religious beliefs or batshit crazy political beliefs to themselves and don’t try and impose them on me, neither do I.

Facts. The fact is that 99.99% of Muslims who come to the west do so to get away from intolerance and live some kind of a normal life, but of course that doesn’t suit your agenda.

Instead you prefer to try and vilify all Muslims by using the propaganda of a proven sectarian religious fundamentalist imperialist nutcase who shamelessly supports ethnic cleansing, or “your mate”, as you call him.

I see reports that there was assaults on 26 women at a german concert over the weekend - I bet Germany is sorry now that they opened their doors

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The looney liberals are very foolish. Angry Idiots like sidney spend their lives on this forum fighting with people.

Islamic migration is out of control. Even the Dalai Lama has felt he needs to speak out on this.


Asking American’s if they support torture for terror suspects is a completely loaded question. It is an utterly facile comparison by yourself, no doubt picked up from furiously googling all morning. Compare that 40% of Muslims in Britain who believe women should follow their husbands orders - an utterly baffling comparison on your behalf.

Interesting that you would pick a figure of 99.99% out of your ass here when you won’t deal with the statistics on basic western values which a high proportion of Muslims worldwide do not believe in. I don’t doubt for a second doubt that many arrive due to intolerance or war. I also don’t doubt many have come for the better economic situation and indeed the immoral Western welfare system which is a very attractive comfort blanket for people.

If you want to start and deal with the statistics then please do and stop flailing around.

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Did @sidney apologise after his racist joke? Or hislop after his branding of all Indians and Chinese as gooks?

Germany is a classic example of white guilt and for obvious reasons.

A German Green Party politician recently predicted that in 20 years time Hamburg would have less “native” Germans than other ethnicities and that this should be celebrated. Another lefty said this;

This is utterly baffling.

I am in favour of immigration and opening borders but we have to be smart and not be so arrogant as to think we can take masses in from different cultures and there will be no blowback.

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On the one hand you say I’m picking a figure out of my ass and on the other you say I’m furiously googling.

Make up your mind.

I’m quite baffled by your statement that asking Americans whether they support torture for terror suspects is a “loaded question”. One can only presume that you harbour a sneaking regard for such practices.

You furiously googled for an example of American “intolerance”, trying to equate Americans being asked if terror suspects should be tortured to Muslims saying women should obey their husbands.

Your 99.99% is a completely different fallacy of yours.

Are you thick?

Even a hint of association with terrorism, or indeed any crime, will for most elicit a reaction.

Simply being a woman is totally different. 40% of British Muslims believe women should follow their husbands orders…just cos…they’re a woman


It’s your pathetic attempts to not appear racist and be ultra nice that gets people like you in such knots.

“I furiously googled”, did I?

Are you fantasising about being in the CIA, or something?

23% support the introduction of Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is not compatible with secular democracies which liberals fought for for centuries.

32% refuse to condemn those who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet

Freedom of Speech be gone. The loony left will happily go for easy targets like Christian Churches now though, doesn’t offend and they can’t be accused of being racist.

39% agree that “wives should always obey their husbands”.

The mythical gender pay gap is the most important issue of our time for the right on SJWs though and those criticising Islam are racists.

Channel 4 are apart of the Zionist conspiracy though.


Do people respond to @Tim_Riggins as if he’s for realsies or what? I thought he was just a wind up.

So you’re equivocating on whether torture is acceptable.

People are entitled to believe whatever they want to believe even if it works against their own interests. Poorly off people who vote Republican in the US are proof of that. And there’s no law against anybody believing any ignorant nonsense they want. You’re firm proof of that.

I’m not the one that’s tying themselves in knots, honey.

You’re in a black one*.

*I hope that’s not construed as racist, I’m desperate to appear ultra nice.

Ah look, the village idiot has awoken from his slumber in Canada and is straight onto the forum. Living the dream pal.

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