Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

I think youā€™re a bit confused between things that are actually real and things that are merely imagined.

The gender pay gap is actually real (check any amount of statistics you want, I know you love furiously googling), while this supposed clampdown on freedom of speech you always go on about is merely a figment of your imagination.

But of course you think itā€™s the other way around.

You would, wouldnā€™t you. You tend to confuse real things and imaginary things a lot.

Yesterday you wrote posters are chefs in diners in Kansas, Indians are gooks, statistics arenā€™t real depending who says them. Only one idiot here

I only said one of those things. And I said it today, you canā€™t even get the day right you fucking moron :slight_smile:

You are vile

Surprise surprise that this thread is infested with some of the biggest bigots on the site, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy & @glasagusban


The bucktooth humberside slaphead arrives

So, apart from your wife, how many immigrants do you support?


Ive set up a 5 a side football league for immigrants

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Are you calling me fat, baldy?

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I have had to report @Matty_Hislop and his posts for racism.

The angry intolerant liberals need to take a break from the Internet.

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Thatā€™s worthy of a well clamped or winner post pal, but why are they in Limerick for example ?

I donā€™t remember us taking over countries, IMO this has to be controlled and well screenedā€¦weā€™re playing russian roulette otherwise. It is already leading to major issues in Europe mate, if you donā€™t see that youā€™re blind or youā€™ve more faith in humanity then I do (I presume itā€™s the latter).
A certain religion being Sunni Muslim see all people that arenā€™t in that sect as less then human.

Mass immigration will have consequences down the line, youā€™re foolish to think otherwise.

Very good post @ChocolateMice

Very balanced and reasonable post in fairness to youā€¦I had you down as a loony lefty. :smile:

Just to set the record straight you pontificating jackass:

  1. You have never and will never see a sexist comment from me, you fuckwit. I marched in Ireland in 1983 against the imbecilic abortion referendum, while you were likely scuttering your diaper, and have supported womenā€™s rights since.
  2. You will never see a racist comment from me you babbling moron. Iā€™m not sure you even understand what racism is, given the furthest you have migrated to is Galway. I criticize and attack dangerous ideas not the people who hold them you sanctimonious prick.
  3. On immigration I actually understand the concept as I am one, and have worked with immigrants from all over the globe all my career. As I said earlier human migration is a good thing, otherwise we would all still be tree dwellers like yourself, @glasagusban, and especially @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy or starting to wander around like @Matty_Hislop and a few other out on a day pass space cadets whose monikers escapes me.
  4. Yes to distain for loony lefties and the PC brigade, at least you got something right.

the problem with this group of liberal facists and online debaters in general is that people can ignore the point and attack the debater, or else just not respond to the point at all, ignoring a question put to them, there is no way of holding them to account. Sidney gets off on people trying to respond to him like you have, attempting to be rational, theres always a article on google that can back him up, or a slight he can put against you by twisting something you previously wrote, if neither he can always invent something as he has done here. Not worth the energy therefore even trying to debate.

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I know itā€™s futile responding, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. The pun obsessed weirdo will be along now shortly to call me a racist for that comment.

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your biggest e-friend on here used the term gook and half cast last week, the fact that you are still letting him cosy up to you shows that you tolerate racism

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His failure to pull that idiot boy Maroonandshite up on it speaks volumes too. Heā€™s well able to lash out at guys he perceives as being Lilly-livered lefties but has no problem aligning himself with overt racists. Heā€™s a strange man, who is more than likely just wumming the fuck out of everyone as his meandering, verbose posts are always contradictory.

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