Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

How did I slag them? What’s a gook by the way?

They’re not immigrants mate, they’re “ex-pats” like Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber.

There’s a difference you see.

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Standard @maroonandwhite comment:

“The problem with the world is political correctness blah blah blah, the lefty liberals blah blah blah, the immigrants blah blah blah, the gooks blah blah blah, the blacks blah blah blah, women blah blah blah, everybody who’s different to me blah blah blah…”

That increasingly goes for self-styled intellectual ignoramus @anon7035031 too.

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Your comments last week calling a lads kids half casts were the worst and most racist thing I’ve read on this site. You made an absolute cunt of yourself and no amount of back tracking and mud slinging will change that.


So whites are ex-pats and people of colour are immigrants?

What you said last week was disgusting. I don’t know what the mods are at but you should be banned for life.

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Who the fuck are you

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There’s no indication his kids are anything but white and Irish. I have no idea who they are, he even said before that his wife wasn’t Asian in another post, so I was continuing a made up line of slagging that has no basis in reality. Just as he has been repeating made up shite about me.


the slagging was out and out racism

No shit Sherlock. It was a racist joke, like the one @Sidney made before and tried to backtrack from. Not a great thing to do, but it rose you something wicked so served its purpose.

So you’re in agreement with this Ben Shapiro chap’s view that all Muslims should be rounded up and forcibly expelled from the West Bank to make way for Jewish colonisers?

That sounds a little bit fascist, no?

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I’m as surprised as you are but apparently so.

Where did I say I agree with everything he says?

Are you arguing with the stats or just looking to deflect further like your freedom hating buddies?

Thank fuck I’m off tomorrow, sleep time just as this thread is about to kick off too. Keep up the pressure on the forums other confirmed racist @Sidney in my absence.

I love freedom, buddy. It’s you and your e-mates who appear to have the problem with it, hence your constant stream of hate-filled propaganda against ethnic minorities and immigrants.

Muslims make up a significant proportion of the worlds population buddy. We are talking about their attitudes and continued practices towards women, as well as a significant numbers attitude to terrorism and sharia law.

I won’t hold my breath that you and the others who support a political party led by a man who ordered the murder of a single mother will engage with these difficult stats though.

Aren’t you the one that supports a US Presidential candidate who proudly and publicly supports the murder of civilians in the Middle East and the torture of prisoners?

Oh that’s right, you are.

If you’re explaining you’re losing pal and you are doing a lot of explaining here. Your best bet here is a heartfelt apology.

A PR company would change you a fortune for this advice but I’m giving it for free.

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I don’t support everything Donald does as I’ve said before.

Donald is merely a candidate, however. Islam’s treatment of women is on show for everyone to see.