Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

It is a myth which no serious economist takes seriously.

Oooh, temper temper. I’m surprised you’ve had the shamelessness to respond on this thread again after being so thoroughly clamped within the first few posts of it.

Again, wonderful “intellectual” insight there by going for those ever-devastating “loony lefties” and “PC brigade” phrases. Such insight, as always.

It’s lucky for Galway that people like me live here while the dregs like you and @maroonandwhite have been forced to move to Kansas.

No wonder the sun has been shining so much here recently.

I think you’re getting confused between real and imaginary things again.

That’s disappointing.

Women make different life choices, end off

There is no widespread behavioural or sexist agenda against women in the west. Maybe when we let in more Muslims that will change

Thank goodness you’re here to dispel facts with ill-informed, cliched right-wing opinion.

Facts generally back me up. That’s because I don’t pluck opinions on non-sporting matters out of my ass like you, @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins do.

Do feel free to ridicule my opinions on sporting matters, please.

Stop replying to him !!!

That guy spent all his Christmas and New Years fighting with people on these forums. He will waste many hours and days of your life.



The facts are that women make more money than men until their 30s, then something happens. What could that be? Hmm

Different life choices.

Women do better in school and graduate in greater numbers from college than men, where’s the upset over that?

The gender pay gap is a myth peddled around the place by ill informed morons who want to appear as “right on”. Women have in great in the west now, arguably far better than men.

That could change if we allow people from civilisations with backwards opinions of women in en masse.

You can’t be taking fellas on the internet seriously, pal… I think we are all loony left and loony right at times.

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No statistics there, just more ill-informed opinion pulled out of your ass.

Listen to this fella @The_Most_Infamous, he knows what hes talking about.

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Why are you replying to him as if he’s not on a wind up though?

He’s right in that women have completely surpassed men in educational attainment, that is a fact and that rend is growing. The issue is not about a gender pay gap anyway. It’s about parental leave and child care above all else which leads to the pay gap. Sort those issues out and this gap will disappear fairly quickly.

Tim isn’t on a wind up. He’s not smart enough to be able to do that.

He’s certainly not a very smart wind up.

Any pay gap reflects choices, not sexism

Face: women earn more into their 30s

Women make up nearly 58% of all college places in the US. 1.35 women to every male graduates college. In Ireland 40% of women have a third level qualification vs. 32% of men. Facts.

People make different life choices. Women, as a whole, in the west are no longer disadvantaged in the workplace if they want to earn what men do. It’s has been totally debunked but is still trotted out by morons like Obama and lefties in Ireland.

Nor are they disadvantaged in joining the military either, maybe they can sacrifice themselves the next time the West goes to war (probably with some middle eastern nations the way things are going) like generations of young men before.

Glas, as usual, when one of his pet causes gets attacked just calls someone a troll.

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So bingo

It’s about people making different choices in life.

The left screech like it’s one of the great issues of our time (ignoring males doing poorly in school for example and trumpeting women doing better as a wonderful thing) as well as intolerant cultures being welcomed in with open arms to the West.

After the UK hopefully votes to leave the awful EU, there will be a lot of other countries demanding a vote on whether to remain.

It is so disapppinting that a combination of Muslim terrorists and looney liberals have brought about this terror

What do you mean ‘as usual’? Ther you go making things up again. Poor wumming.