Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Question for you. Do you think that the recent trends in education where it appears men are getting left behind is an issue in need of addressing?

The thing is - it isn’t a recent trend. This was an issue in the late 90s in the UK. Women have been doing better since the 1980s in the US.

You are labeled a troll, sexist and a racist for pointing out their hypocrisy for bringing up their hilarious causes like the “gender pay gay” when they want to bring in millions of people intolerant of women’s freedoms.

Left wing posterboy Jeremy Corbyn said in a speech today that being worried about immigration does not make you a raaacccciiisssstttt.


It won’t be long until he criticises Palestine and the left will have kittens.

That’s a sweeping generalisation, you seem to think all Muslims are the same.

40% of British Muslims are intolerant of women’s freedoms.

The statistic worldwide of Muslims polled worldwide is far higher and those are the millions Merkel and Co. are bringing in.

How come Muslim countries have elected far more women leaders than Ireland or Great Britain?

That’s a clamping.

1 Like


Personally I think the emphasis on rote learning and a single examination at the end of the cycle is a bigger problem. The CAO system too.

I have no interest in getting involved in this argument but;
You are comparing a list of all the Muslim majority countries in the World (47 for the record) with two countries. It’s nine apparently (so google reckons anyway), the total of female Muslim leaders that is. So an average of less than 0.2 per country. 1 was actually elected in a Hindu majority country so that is 0.17 per country. This includes Presidents & PM’s even though obviously Presidential power varies dramatically from state to state.

By way of contrast the UK & Ireland have had 3 female heads of state between PM’s & Presidents or 1.5 per country.

Yours in pointing out inherent flaws in your argument,

Julio Geordio


Too late, they have you pal.

#RIP Julio

The fact that the only one cosying up to @Matty_Hislop and yourself is the “premier” jackass that Tipp has produced (a title hard won) should tell you all you need to know about your own standing.

A most excellent clamping.

Lol how many countries vs two!

Are you going to tell me women have it better off there and we can learn a lot from them so?

Maybe you can ask your next Sinn FĂŠin canvasser to push for sharia law to be legilsated for in the DĂĄil so we can be just like them.

Against my better judgement I’ll ask, why do we need to legislate for sharia law? You mention it a lot but seem to know nothing about it. You know that there’s nothing wrong with applying sharia law in Ireland insofar as it doesn’t contravene the laws of the state?

If the roles were reversed what would you say?

I’m saying nothing of the sort and you are going off in a wild tangent again.

You basically think all Muslims are the same, I’ve pointed out to you that they are not, and off you go again moving the goalposts.

If Muslims were all such misogynists, as you repeatedly allege, they wouldn’t have elected women leaders. Can you please address this flaw in your argument and admit you are talking sensationalist bollocks.

Why would I leave a thread that I started? @Rocko believes that immigration is not a problem in the UK, I think it is, it’s called a difference of opinion, a founding principle of democracy. Clearly your preference is a state where only one opinion is allowed, and the state decides what that opinion should be be. Some of us don’t want that, and those that do should consider a move to North Korea for a spell to see how well it works.

This thread is a discussion of the upcoming Brexit vote, and has now been expanded to include the upcoming Grexit, Spexit and Frexit stages of EU collapse. If you want to discuss racism or women’s rights, start your own thread.

If I were you I would say something that doesn’t answer the question, ask an unrelated rhetorical question, refer to the loony left, try to sound smart by using big words, make a broad sweeping statement about a vast number of people, and throw in a few spelling mistakes.