Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

This is what you said.

ā€œā€ā€¦ (the court) carried out a thorough examination of the relationship between the Convention,
democracy, political parties and religion, and found that a sharia-based regime was
incompatible with the Convention, in particular, as regards the rules of criminal law and
procedure, the place given to women in the legal order and its interference in all spheres of
private and public life in accordance with religious precepts"

No I donā€™t.

Iā€™m pointing out some very basic stats on Muslims opinions and how they are not compatible with Western values. That ranges from freedom of speech to women. We have seen in Europe in the last 18 months what this leads to when not confronted.

And still you plough on with your ignorant line of arguing. There are many different strands within Islam, you obviously donā€™t get this, and it makes all your hysterical wailing redundant.

Did you even read before you started googling?

Iā€™m pointing out the stats mate.

You arenā€™t dealing with any of them

Of course, Iā€™ve studied European Human Rights Law

Your stats are bullshit. Iā€™ve proved that to you.

No you havenā€™t? The stats are the stats. You say there are people within Islam who donā€™t believe in that stuffā€¦well duh thatā€™s what the stats will tell you. They also point out the rather larger amount of attitudes which are worrying to say the least.

Liberals putting their heads in the sand on the problems in Islam are baffling people.

You think that Indians and Chinese are the same, ie all Asians are gooks, I never called them that, I used the term in slagging what may or may not be one beaten dockets family, you openly called those other nationalities gooks.

ā€¦ and 76% of those living in the UK agree with me. Immigration policy is the #1 issue in the upcoming vote, and is an economic issue not a race issue. It wouldnā€™t matter if all the immigrants were from eastern Europe (or Ireland for that matter), adding a net of +300,000 a year to a country thatā€™s already overpopulated is not a good economic model. With GDP at +0.4%, and negative outside London, there is no demand for additional labor. Itā€™s simple economics, but thatā€™s a more difficult discussion for dolts than an opportunity to shriek racism.

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Go back to bed you fucking fool.

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Yes you do, you just pretend you didnā€™t read it when people contradict you. You have never once admitted to being wrong on any topic, that chidishness is what in your eyes makes you a top top debater. The ā€˜Galway is lucky to have meā€™ comment is a small example of your mindset, as stated by many here before the huge advantage you have in these debates that arenā€™t really debates, is a seemingly endless amount of time.

:joy: Mate step back from the internet

Thanks for proving you have absolutely no comeback to you labelling all Indians and Chinese people gooks.

Read up the thread mate

Itā€™s too nice an evening for me to do that to myself


Enjoy the sunshine, thereā€™s ample evidence of hislops racism there preserved if you ever do need it.


cant you follow a thread, you are an out and out racist and he pulled you up on it

No more than @Sidney and his racist joke a few weeks ago, or hislops branding all Asians as gooks. Thereā€™s a few of us in here it seems.