Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

nope, its mainly you

And not your e-buddies? Seems like a fair minded assessment. now stop replying to me, spend some time with your kids, if they even exist at all

the ā€œhalf castsā€ you vile person

Well done you. You still donā€™t appear to have read what I said though.

You were the one giving an opinion. Rocko clamped you with facts.

Clearly you donā€™t understand the difference between a fact and an opinion. Both @Rocko and I were quoting facts, his facts are that the population of immigrants in the UK is no higher than other western European countries (and lower than Ireland), my facts are that the the number of immigrants entering the UK has been higher than the number of emigrants leaving since 2009, and the differential continues to rise, +330,000 in 2015. One can form different opinions based on those facts, @Rockoā€™s opinion is the issue is one of hysteria on behalf of 76% of the UK population, my opinion is they are justifiably concerned.

You asked me a question and I answered.:rollseyes:

:joy: I quoted what a wrote and asked did you read it? I put it there for you twice, and you still didnā€™t read it!

This should be the event that wins the vote for the ā€œleaveā€ side

the extreme right are a laughing stock on here mate,why engage them

You need to work on your diction guy.

Good point Giant

Yes themā€¦

I admitted that it was over the top and edited it straight away, you were smirking at me for backtracking, there was no outrage then. A sly comment from me no doubt, not the first or last I or others have made on this site. So do you actually have a Filipino wife and mixed race kids?

Why keep going on about it? you made a shitty comment you thought was witty, but wasnt. trying to deflect it onto hislop now the whole time too. Just move on to fuck and stop dragging it out.

it was a hilarious comment, I spilt my tea laughing at it, its a wonder the fanny didnā€™t run off telling tales to rocko, well able to give it out these wimps, but not so good at taking it, the very best of banter it was up there with me calling concy ā€œjimmy savilleā€ and he spent a week crying about it :sweat_smile:

THe ELC spent weeks running to Rocko when Brimmer became king of the celeb spot thread

And his facts blew your opinions out of the water.

Maybe you should move to Europe if you want to be taken seriously on anything thatā€™s happening here.

You have 50 posts on this thread compared to my 20.

Who is it that has the endless amount of time on their hands, again?

Itā€™s you pal, if you want to start counting total posts letā€™s see how that works out for you.

he is here much longer than you of course his post count is higher, cringe