Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Said the guy who claimed that 99.99% of immigrant Muslims were unlikely to cause bother. Not alone do you not understand the difference between facts and opinions, you make up statistics to suit your opinion. Some debater you are.

I have no issues with @Rockoā€™s opinions, other than not sharing them. They are reasoned and well thought out unlike your babbling.

I spend plenty time in Europe, including the UK. Sadly for your hyperbole, I am in alignment with the great majority of UK citizens on immigration and you are out of step. How much time do you spend in the US? Doesnā€™t stop you talking through your arse on US politics.

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Youā€™re a beaten docket, a sad cunt laughed at in your personal life Iā€™d wager and now on the forum. Time for one of your hilarious rebrands I think. No matter how many times I ask you to stop replying to me you canā€™t help yourself, and you claim to have a family, who you clearly have no interest in spending time with. As I said before, Iā€™m not feeding your need for attention anymore, stop replying to me, you wonā€™t get more replies.

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This thread does the forum no credit at all.

Ill always challenge racists

Why are you trying to drag his kids into this argument? What the fuck have they got to do with anything?

Youā€™re an obsessive creep who has already admitted heā€™d say the first thing that came into his head in order to score points on here.

Give it a rest ffs.

You made a stupid racist comment. Own up. Trying to label others racist for repeating your quote back to you is not clever. Stop making more of a fool of yourself.

Itā€™s just getting weird at this stage.

Myself and @KinvarasPassion were having a bit of banter last week about 2 pictures of my wife and kids in front of Torc waterfall in Killarney, we joked about how my kids had grown between each picture, all a bit of fun of courseā€¦ until @maroonandwhite requested KP to PM him the imagesā€¦
Scary kind of stuff really. Maybe he thought myself and KP were serious ???
But why the would he want a picture of my wife and kids ? :flushed::flushed::thinking::scream::fearful:

The fuck?!


have you a link to this?bizarre

Feel free to count away, you clearly have the time in your wi-fi enabled mud hut in Saskatchewan. Again, youā€™ve more posts on this thread than anybody and 250% more posts on this thread than I have, so itā€™s pretty hilarious that youā€™d go on about anybody else having an endless amount of time to keep posting on it.

Thought this was an interesting view from Trevor Phillips. Heā€™s someone who has fought for racial equality in the UK all of his life and was head of the commission for race equality. He believes that political correctness within media and politics is a serious problem in the UK and is leading to greater divide.


Itā€™s grand Brimmer I sent them onto him after


Itā€™s in the places to holiday in Ireland or something similar.
KP was in Killarney last week, what ever thread that was in. Iā€™m on my phone so canā€™t link it. Maybe Iā€™ll see can I bump it.

The same fact-based opinions you called ā€œnonsensicalā€ and ā€œhaving a very basic comprehension of Englishā€. Now youā€™re backtracking and saying youā€™ve no problem with them. Tut tut.

Amidst all this hysteria about ā€œmass migrationā€, crime levels in Britain continue to drop year on year. Surely all these migrants should lead to a steep rise on crime figures if your belief is correct?

Clearly my sarcastic comment about your debating technique flew over your head.

Modern technology ensures I donā€™t need to spend time in the US to find out whatā€™s happening and to understand it, no more than you need to spend time in Europe to erroneously think you understand whatā€™s happening. The world is at our fingertips, mate, you just need to use them wisely.

If you want to go along with sheep-like groupthink in the face of facts, feel free. The key fact being that Britainā€™s immigration levels are nothing out of the ordinary and immigrants have made a massive net contribution to the economy there.

Itā€™s touching, the faith you have in opinion polls to determine what reality is, only when they suit your opinion, mind.

John F Kennedy wrote in the 1930s about what was happening in Europe: ā€œIt seems so easy to fall into a distorted view of public affairs based more on personal bias than on informed understanding.ā€

You might do well to heed those words.

Iā€™ve heard of voices from the grave but voices from pre birth is a new one. He was a visionary though.

Watching this itā€™s decent so far

It is. I doubt @glasagusban , @rocko or @sidney will watch it though.

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ā€œEconomics is the only field where two people can share a Nobel prize for saying the opposite thingā€.

Thatā€™s true alright. Strange spike in Sexual offenses given that most violent crime and burglary is down.