Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

In the short term weak stg means less UK tourists for us, UK more attractive to other tourists and less demand for some of our agri products.

the ELC making inane posts about it


Auxit? Not as catchy.

Lucky for the brits they have a steady irish hand in charge at the bank of England who can see past the xenophpbia

With Conor McDonald and Liam Ryan both injured I think Offaly will beat Wexford in the Qualifiers on Saturday week. That will be a Wexit. Liam Dunne will then get sacked. 2 Wexits in the one weekend!

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Biggest short term consequence is that you will be flying Aer Lingus instead of Ryanair

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Difficulty for companies that mainly export to the UK due to the drop in sterling.



I’m booking my holiday flights now

stick to the bogball you dimwit

There were early warnings of difficulties ahead. The German MEP Elmar Brok, who chairs the European parliament’s committee on foreign affairs, told the Guardian the parliament would call on Juncker to strip the British commissioner, Jonathan Hill, of the financial services brief with immediate effect and turn him into a “commissioner without portfolio”.

“They will have to negotiate from the position of a third country, not as a member state. If Britain wants to have a similar status to Switzerland and Norway, then it will also have to pay into EU structural funds like those countries do. The British public will find out what that means.”

very much so. Sad really

I’m ashamed. Ashamed we had to wait until water charges before we took the streets rioting. When Europe told our lacky politicians to put the Lisbon vote in front of the people again, they duly obliged. And Paddy rolled over and took it in the ass. I was never more ashamed to be Irish. Thankfully, Galway’s recent victory over Mayo and Ireland’s win over Italy have restored some of my pride.


unlike the spineless micks, we don’t give a fuck about the bullies in Berlin, we won’t be taking orders or threats from Brussels anymore

A Proud nation stands on its own two feet again


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Some cunt, gives the lie to the fiction that commissioners are supposed to be independent.

Absolutely agreed. The cunts are shoring up the trough desperately. They will be driven like hogs to make Britain, or whatever it’s called, suffer.
I think it’s an awful, and stupid decision and the UK will enter a vicious recession, compounded as the EU will try to trash the banking sector, which is the primary battle ground.

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ah cop on ffs, and stop acting the mick with the hysteria, I thought you had more sense than that

The fig leaf of European legitimacy will soon be removed from the Germans master plan.

There’s a flight out of London stansted tomorrow night one way to Shannon at 19.50 for £80. Pack up your stuff and make sure to be on it, its over now you need to come home. I’ll be there to pick you up at the airport and I’ll drop you back to Ennis. I’m after cancelling an engagement I had there now. Will you book the flight?