Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

100 years after the start of WW 1 the Germans have finally run the Brits back across the English Channel and are now in sole domination of continental Europe.


not at all mate, this future is very bright and exciting here on the mainland, I am off to a massive festival at 4 o clock on a redeye to Holland and I won’t be seen on the Internet untill next week sometime, what a way to start the weekend


Fair play to Smark, he’s doing trojan work here responding.

A brave move leaving the country. Chances are you won’t be let back in. A return to the signs at airport, no blacks, no dogs, no Irish.

Ryanair model depends on large numbers of British people flying to the eu. That requires the open skies policy which has to be at risk now

For anyone who enjoys getting into the figures and breakdowns thereof. Fascinating stuff in this


Interesting. It doesn’t analyse turnout though. I have an inkling turnout was higher in the older age groups.

Do you feel it in your waters

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That’s unreal. Britain taken out of the EU by a generation that will be mostly dead in 20 years.


Might be worth looking at removing the vote from people after a certain age. We saw what happened here when the yes vote mobilised the old dears for the marriage referendum.

Quite appropriate that this is taking place for the anniversary of poor leadership and resulting slaughter on the Somme


That generation had it sussed
No Wars to fight
Free college
Free healthcare
Jobs for life
Cheap houses
Filthy pension

While the the divide in England between London area and the rest has often been highlighted, the gap between middle and working class as shown on ABC1 vs C2DE, which appears to be primarily driven by immigration & xenophobia is a very big challenge for the nation, whether that be England & Wales or the wider UK.

The first generation in centuries to leave their children worse off than they were.

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Remains to be seen who they’ll blame when both the EU and the immigrants are gone.

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The worst thing that happened to Cameron was winning the narrow majority. If he was in coalition with the lib dems again there is no way the referendum would have happened. He gave into the swivel eyed loons in his party. Shitting themselves over UKIP.


Same as here, same as a lot of the western world, it’s one of the defining traits of this generation.

And the moral of the story is “respect your elders”.

Englands difficulty is Irelands opportunity