Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Native Canadians?

They like to be referred to as first nations or natives. Indians are from india pal.

Was just checking, mate… I’m from Nova Scotia myself so I know the craic.

You went to the wrong coast pal.

It’s gas the way you project your own prejudices onto others.

Comeback to what? You make unsupported bland assertions and then challenge people to prove you wrong. It’s the ravings of a dimwit.

Don’t I fucking know it - I split up with the wench that dragged me there as soon as I got home.

Thank God we have chefs like you pointing this out to us from the roadside diner in Kansas. It’s great that high achievers like yourself deign to come on here and put us straight.

What unsupported ravings are these?

You want me to repeat your own posts back to you? :rollseyes:

This kind of shit right here is what this simpleton who has never lived outside of d4 considers a reasoned argument. A chef in kansas. Riiiight.

No, just clarify which comments are unsupported ravings? You suggested there were some there

What the fuck are you on about you stupid cunt? I lived in Ranelagh for three years.


You must keep your thoughts to yourself then

Time in an institution doesn’t count.


I take your point, but half of both those groups will take 3 or 4 generations before they fully integrate- arranged marriages and keeping to their own etc. etc there’s no quick fix…

I think he was actually talking about himself there. He seems to have performed a complete volte face over the last 72 hours or so.


Native Canadians

I know, pal… Canadians … Eh… aboot… etc. etc.