Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

This is fucking moronic. Coming from so called liberals who supposedly cherish diversity itā€™s gas to see sweeping statements about nationalities and arguing that events of 200 years ago should be paid for by a current generationā€¦just becauseā€¦

However, if someone points out the enormous perils of trying to integrate mass immigration from a place with a culture totally alien from the west, they are lambasted for ā€œsweeping statementsā€, ā€œgeneralisationsā€ and ā€œracismā€.

The left in the west these are obsessed with the naughtiness of the whites a couple of hundred years ago and are prepared to sell down all the advancements in society (and the traditions they havenā€™t got round to killing yet) to pay for those sins.

From the ones ive met it only takes one generation, if even that. Their parents have huge difficulty, due to the language barrier mainly. My point is they see canada, for all its faults, as a great opportunity. Not that canada owes them a life. Maybe the fact thereā€™s no colonial baggage contributes to this.

I like the way you stayed clear of any sweeping statements there, pal.

A thick enough shower. Very militaristic. Theres a lot of ā€˜police involved shootingsā€™ here for example but thereā€™s nothing made of it in the media, its strange in a way.

No colonial baggage? Walk onto a reservation and say that :joy: - Have you read up much on the history of first nation peoples? Itā€™s all I did when I was thereā€¦ beyond horrific what was done to them right up to the 90sā€¦ and it continues today.

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Absolutely, but i was hardly referencing them when i mentioned immigrant groups over the past few decades??

Thatā€™s ok - Just keep them in mind, pal. Thatā€™s all I ask.

Iā€™m happy to live with them.

Blunt instruments are fine with me at times.

You might have read about them in halifax pal but outside of vancouver and calgary they are the biggest non white ethnic group in most of western canada. The town i did my now infamous junket in had a huge reservation and first nations population. Im fascinated by their culture and their dealings with the province and canada. Ive read a bit about them too, really interesting. In a nutshell traded well and lived side by side with the French, who they call the ā€˜true whitesā€™ but screwed over continuously by the brits. Definitely mistrust between them and some white canadians.

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Just so we know - Iā€™m somewhere in the middle on immigration, mateā€¦ I donā€™t advocate an open door policy, nor a closed door one eitherā€¦ What iā€™d really like is policy, procedures and plans in place that we can take in people and give them a home to provide for their family and in return let them give back to societyā€¦ I know that sounds a bit hippy dippy and something from a movie but thatā€™s the loony left in me I supposeā€¦ I donā€™t believe in taking in migrants willy-nilly and letting ghettos spring up and while I respect personal freedoms, I do believe that if a person wants to come to Ireland they bow to our culture and laws to some degree, rather than us bending over for themā€¦ Iā€™m all for multi-cultural-ism but not at the death of Irish cultureā€¦ Iā€™ve probably contradicted myself a load of times in there but therein lies the problem with issues like immigration ā€¦ iā€™m not a racist, but do you see them Nigeriansā€¦


Nothing wrong with that

I am from the Suds school on trade and migration - except with the caveat that coming from a Judeo-Christian nation or ones with healthy democratic traditions is paramount. If you cannot speak English then good luck (except for if you are from the EU as it is unavoidable).

I believe 90% of immigrants could with totally noble intentions to get ahead in life and have more get up and go then those born and raised here. However, I am prepared to use blunt instruments which are not PC.

We probably diverge on the role of the State in terms of providing welfare. I believe in cutting welfare down to being simply being income insurance for 12 months and providing people with education pathways so that if their job or skill goes abroad due to globalisation, then they can reskill quickly. After that youā€™re on your own. That will make us competitive whilst providing a quid pro quo to the natives who want to get on in life. Migrants get nothing until they have worked for a set number of years. If youā€™re a native and couldnā€™t be bothered then you can live off charity. If you are a migrant, you simply wonā€™t come here anymore unless you are truly interested in working.

We are fortunate to be in a single market and can bring in the skills of migrants quickly. Britain, like ourselves, needs to limit their welfare state so their natives can get off their arses and take advantage of it.

Once again, i have to agree with youā€¦Look the irish have gone every where and worked & been accepted into local socities, help build the states (discriminated there early on and in the uk for years) but to not allow People, who are desperate and are so in a big way because of the policies of us westeners stinks. Its the west who has created the desperation and their control of economics, governments, media helps them keep control. We live in a (imagine after all the "historyā€™ weve been ā€˜taughtā€™, a facist controlled world. Since ww2 , more than a 3rd of the membership of the United Nations - 60+ countri have suffered some or all of the following at the hands of Americaā€™s modern fascism. They have been invaded, their governments overthrown, their popular movements suppressed, their elections subverted, their people bombed and their economies stripped of all protection, their societies subjected to a crippling siege known as "sanctions
Edit, last 7 lines is fact from an article, but point is we, the ā€˜westā€™ like some many imperialists before, has created this shituation

Says the failed emigrant :grinning::grinning::grinning:


@glasagusban. I was making an observation. I donā€™t really care, Iā€™ll be moving back to Ireland in due course.
You are the most judgemental person on the board, possibly the most intolerant too. You are a fascist liberal.
Good luck to you. I donā€™t much care for intolerance. I am intolerant of intolerance.


Game over? Fuck me, youā€™ve been reading a bit too much
Like I said above mine was merely an observation. If you have no problem with Muslim ghettos like those in the UK, Belgium, France etc, then fear not, they will be coming your way soon enough.
My real question is how you square your multicultural tolerance with the rampant misogyny displayed by the Muslim community? You can pretend it doesnā€™t exist, but I can absolutely assure you it does. A recent survey of moderate Muslims came up with the figure of 47 miles that they thought it reasonable a woman be allowed to travel alone, the average distance apparently between three villages in rural Pakistan. Beyond that women should be banned from straying. You and hislop (tsg is only stirring) have, as usual, completely missed the point (as is often the case). Do you have any idea how offensive you are on occasion? I couldnā€™t care less about hislop, I have no idea who he is, nor any inclination to find out, but you obviously are wholeheartedly behind your appallingly inaccurate portrayal of myself as some sort of little englander loser. My point was far broader than that. I havenā€™t to be honest even got a problem with any group minding its own business. When a group tries to inflict its own values upon a host culture to which they have chosen to move, and then hide behind the tolerances of that culture when it suits them, the very tolerances that allow them to denounce fairness and equity as free speech; when the group denigrates its own women, in many cases forcing them to cover themselves completely in public, forces marriage upon them etc etc, then that is a problem for any fair minded person.


They havenā€™t a clue flatty, they just assume the threat is being overstated and anyone voicing concern is a racist. Itā€™s actually getting worse, Look at fucking Turkey. Now I have great time for the Turks (I even had a few Turkish friends over the years, :wink: @Rocko), but the place is heading towards Islamic dictatorship under Erdogan. This cunt recently proclaimed that contraception is treason, women are inferior to men, and basically their role is to produce as many Muslim children as possible. Hopefully European leaders will have the balls to stand up to this insane cunt.

Your point is well made about Muslim moderates. In my experience, admittedly with some exceptions, the men are mostly misogynist pricks. They have no problem whatsoever with the concept of an arranged marriage of a 13 year old girl and having 4 or 5 kids while she is a teenager. They also have no problem with Sharia law being the law of the land, in fact were Muslims to gain a majority they would welcome it. These are the so called moderates ffs. This is the aspect that the appeasement lefties donā€™t get, these people are very serious about their goals, and they also have one huge advantage over their sworn enemies, they breed like fucking rabbits, while their secular counterparts in Europe are going childless.

The threat of Islamic fundamentalism (which most Muslim ā€œmoderatesā€ actually believe in) is the biggest threat facing Europe, and clowns on the left assume everything will be grand, they are not really serious, sure the government will keep us safe. By and large European governments are softcocks and couldnā€™t protect a chicken coop.


Very correctly identified by you as facism. The facist ideology being political correctness, not liberalism. Whats done is look at any issue, identify the PC side and vehemently support that while attacking anyone who takes the opposite view. Key here is dont offer opinions, just scream and attack. Any reasonable person would examine every issue on its own. And have varied opinions. Some ideologies have merits, all have flaws, but to slavishly follow one, as our resident PC thug does, is idiocy.

I asked him before what about some of the leaders in the muslim community in ireland, begging for government help to help curb the influence extremist preachers were having in irish mosques. Decent immigrants, who came to ireland to escape the insanity, only for it to follow them. The PC, and government, response? Silence. For them whats right isnt important, all thats important is not to risk being labelled as prejudiced.


It was game over for maroonandshite alright. I donā€™t read

Sorry if you took that as personal there Flatty. The ā€œdebateā€ was about the ā€œdestruction of Britain by immigrationā€. A load of nonsense and a hysterical way of talking about it. I gave it about the level of respect it deserved.

Youā€™re now talking about inequality which is a completely different conversation to the destruction of Britain by immigration.