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Grand. Iā€™ll continue to call out @anon7035031 on his nonsense and generally be intolerant of his views.

Good. Me too.

As I said, there are two different topics here ā€œimmigrationā€ and ā€œimmigration/integrationā€.

Still unable to pinpoint where you said I was raving? Is this like the time you said you had a solution to Islamic extremismā€¦but then admitted you didnā€™t, just made up that you did. Remember that time?

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The leading Muslim cleric in Ireland is on record saying he wants Ireland under sharia law.
ā€˜Ourā€™ society bizarrely has to ignore that and then we are ā€˜racistā€™ for not wanting to be over run with Muslims.
Modern society is bizarrely being directed by self righteous online campaigns, there is no room in society anymore for traditional and rational voices. The term ā€˜racismā€™ should be banned as its become highjacked and is a tool for the argumentative and tht naive.

Basically we are fucked. Humanity is being destroyed by the ā€˜debating teamā€™.


Ben Shapiro :joy:

Thereā€™s nothing like a Zionist gun nut to bring a bit of balance to the debate.

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Are you arguing with the statistics?



I didnā€™t even watch it Tim, yer man is a head case.

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I find myself agreeing with you here.

The problem is that we have allowed the ā€œniceā€ whites to govern us. They have ramped up public spending in the west to unsustainable levels trying to cure every ill and perceived ill under the sun. Then in order to try and atone for the sins of the ā€œbadā€ whites they have allowed different cultural standards from their ā€œcherishedā€ liberal ones.

Our hard won civilisation is eating itself through itā€™s own niceness and they are laughing at us.

If we in Ireland are hell bent on taking in refugees especially the Islamic kind then we should be taking the woman and children first, and leaving the racist intolerant freedom hating savages of men where they are to try and improve their own country before we bring them here as part of what the likes of @glasagusban argue would be improving us as a country and as individuals.

You are foolish. He is an extremely smart man who just so happens to have different viewpoints to you. He is a classic conservative who has no has no time for Donald Trump, for example.

You donā€™t want to deal with the facts here though and just want to deflect. The facts about the majority of Muslims opinions towards women and a significant minority towards suicide bombing/terrorism are unsettling to say the least.

Instead of you being worried that, say for example, nearly 40% of British Muslims believe that ā€œwives should always obey their husbandsā€, you go for easy targets like the Royal Family. Thatā€™s much easier for you to deal. Itā€™s gas.


:smile: why are you so intolerant of other people?

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Statistics being true depends on who reads them out sure

disgusting comment

because heā€™s jewish??

I know Mickee, Iā€™m surprise @Rocko didnā€™t ban him last week for it.

A lunatic is a lunatic no matter what religion they practice.

Looking for the mods for help :grin:

I referenced one weirdos bought Filipino family, at no time did I mention Chinese or Indian nationals, who you obviously consider to be gooks and half casts (what?) youā€™ll ban yourself given your pontificating I take it

You exposed yourself last week as a petty little racist. You canā€™t undo that now.