Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

You exposed yourself in the post, just there, as a racist. I mentioned Indians and Chinese immigrants in Canada, you called them gooks and half casts…do you think they all look the same or something. You are making some fool out of yourself on this thread though, keep digging.

You’re the only fool here, as usual.

Gooks and half casts (sic), your words last week.

Your words today, describing nearly 3 billion people. Not to mention your refusal to believe statistics because the speaker was Jewish. You seem a bit slow on the uptake.


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It’s early in the morning Tim, I’m trying to start work here too. :grin:

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They were the racist terms you used last week and I didn’t listen to Shapiro because he is an idiot not because of his religion. I hope this clears it up for you.

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You are slow. I used them slagging a posters Filipino family. you used them to describe Chinese and Indian people. These groups are in no way connected, except in your mind. This probably won’t be clear enough for you.

Shapiro or whoever he was was reading out statistics. Sure if he said grass was green he couldn’t be believed on that either i suppose.

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The leading Muslim cleric in Ireland is on record saying he wants Ireland under sharia law.
That is indeed disturbing and i agree on the women and children should take priorty. It is a horrible and dangerous situation we are facing but it has been bourne out of the west’s imperialist policies and terrorism. We need to ask why this is happening

So that’s OK then :rollseyes:

and you using the same term to describe half the worlds population is totally acceptable?

@Matty_Hislop badly exposed here.

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Are you completely fucking brain dead? You used the term, I just repeated what you said.

I’m personally shocked by his racism

This is hilarious. I used the term describing Filipinos. You used it describing Indians and Chinese people. I did not. Filipinos, Indian and Chinese people are not one group, but you obviously consider them to be. In fact you consider them all to be gooks, I never called them that, you straight away connected me saying Indians and Chinese to the term gooks and for some bizarre reason half casts. And now you can’t see how that makes you racist. Go away and think about it for a while, read this post as many times as you need to. I haven’t the energy to repeat it again.

Music to my ears, now go to bed and give us some peace.

Fuck me, but I found myself nodding along in agreement as I read that.

Close the site.

Thank fuck, finally you comprehend your racism.

you were on the forum talking about half casts and gooks last week

you are a full on racist


Anyone with a bit of a tan and using pigeon English is a gook to @Matty_Hislop
It’s no wonder this guy wants to flood the country with Islamic nutjobs because he simply doesn’t understand.

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Yes, he is. But he won’t stop replying and he actually thinks he won here. Lol!