Brexit hub

Pretty ironic that the places with the least foreigners tend to hate foreigners more than the places with the most foreigners. Almost as if we’re all the same really if you get to know them


With 4% of the counting districts in, the current count is 50.2% leave, 49.8% stay. It’s going to be a long day.


Stupid cunts in Whales are voting to leave. The Proddies up north want out too. Scotland wants in.
It’s s gas “United” Kingdom they have all the same.

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The working class Unionists up north are total spastics. They continue to vote for the DUP & follow them on this stuff. They don’t have their interests at heart at all.

East Belfast, working class. Votes leave.
West Belfast, working class. Votes remain.

Foyle was the first local constituency to confirm a result, with 78.3% voting to Remain in the European Union.
West Tyrone, Belfast West, Belfast North, Belfast South and North Down have also voted to Remain.
North Antrim, Lagan Valley, Strangford and Belfast East have declared a vote in favour of Leave.

Neck and neck now.

“Country” breakdown…

Leave 2,014,915 VOTES
Remain 1,637,310 VOTES
273 results left to declareTurnout: 71.5%

Northern Ireland
Leave 186,700 VOTES
Remain 237,094 VOTES
Turnout: 62.4%

Leave 634,797 VOTES
Remain 1,044,593 VOTES
8 results left to declareTurnout: 65.3%

Leave 430,216 VOTES
Remain 349,069 VOTES
11 results left to declareTurnout: 70.3%

It really is total stupidity on behalf of the Unionist politicians who encouraged a leave vote. They are completely deluded about NI’s place in the world and in the UK. The EU helps solidify the UK for them but they think that mimicking UKIPers they are helping themselves. Just like the flags thing with working class loyalists, they have no intention of actually helping the lives of their constituents but the WC continue to vote for them. You really couldn’t make it up.

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Looks like NI will vote to Remain, with Catholics voting overwhelmingly in favour of staying and Prods more evenly split.

It gets them elected which is all that matters (to them). What’s stupid is believing that any politician of any persuasion has the interests of their constituency at heart. The great majority of politicians are sociopaths and have no interest in the welfare of others, they are just good at pretending they do. Unionist politicians and the wankers in Dowling street who depended on them to stay in power bear 100% responsibility for the casualties in the NI conflict. The Good Friday agreement could have been signed in 1969 before the IRA was even reborn.

I might criticise Sinn FĂŠin but they do more in the north to advance their cause than the DUP.

The DUP are orchestrating a decline of Working Class Unionism. They subtly encourage stuff like the fleg protests and this EU vote as being good for these people. The only way for a small economic backwater like the north to get back on their feet as a viable economic region is in a bloc. This will destabilise the UK.

There are plenty of reasons to vote against the EU but northern Unionists are turkeys voting for Christmas.

The brummies vote to leave.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a fantastic chap.

Liverpool appears to be the largest Remain margin in England, 59-41

Hold the press… South Oxfordshire went 71-29 to remain.

A load of London constituencies coming in now, all heavily in the Remain camp, some over 70%,

The Remain camp are all in on the LDN counts now

One of my old constituencies, Ealing, votes IN