Brexit hub

Exactly the same as the electiom opinion polls. Lots of shy outers. Scots Independence back on the table now. What a difference a few hours make.

This Tory minister on the BBC is some cabbage, being asked what measures the Bank of England/Treasury should do with the market freefall and just keeps saying this is a great chance for Britain. :unamused:

Sinn Fein Sources ‘Democratic Imperative for a vote on removing the Irish Border’

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Stunning graphic


Stops hit at -7.5% on the Nikkei, up and running again.

Unreal. The Leave crowd on the telly here haven’t a clue what they are going to do with their victory. Who’s going to negotiate for them for example. They’ve no idea they were going to win.


City Editor with The Times

Your one there on the Beeb panel was a joke, the BBC didn’t go cut throat enough with her. It’s like it’s going to be a bed or roses that they can sit down in and decide the way forward.

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Lawyers always win baby, them fee notes. :heart_eyes:

This is all Corbyn’s fault


Close to 52%/48% now, a landslide.

Not a landslide

They are going to be pretty pissed off in Gibraltar.

The fucking head on Andrew Neil here :smile:


Harry Potter having her speak there.

There we go. Leave. It’s official.

The main downside of this result is that Scotland’s independence will mean the end of the British Darts Organisation. That’s extremely sad.

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Meltdown ahoy

Good jeebus

What now? Nothing, they haven’t a clue what to do now.