Brexit hub


Good Morning

Amazing news, UK leaves the EU !!!

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Lovely rainbow in Gateshead

Chaos on the markets

So what happens now? Cameron resigns, does Boris take over, is he even an MP?

The Dutch clamoring for a vote already according to the lovely Julia Chatterley.

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Cameron will be a lame duck PM. He has to stay for a few weeks at least so there isn’t total meltdown.

Just woke up. The cunts have ruined my work day.

An anti-immigrant platform rocks Europe. Such ideas have not ended well in the past.


Nice Referendum tactic?

“Ah lads, ye might want to try that one again.”

+1. The fucking British bastards.

Was there an actual constitutional trigger in the Scottish referendum to have another if Brexit happened, or is that just the SNP saying they have a mandate now?

Cameron will stay, the conservatives have no realistic alternative.

However bad your day today is, it’s not as bad as David Cameron’s.


How can he possibly stay after being handed such an arse kicking, he has no credibility whatsoever now (not that he had much before).

No he’s gone. It is about a managed transition for them now. He cannot stay, it is not politically possible.

Osbourne will be gone within a couple of weeks I think.

His only commitment was to hold a referendum which he did. He can point to democracy in action, room for all views etc. Labor are the ones truly fucked as they were unanimous for staying.

We’ll see how it plays out, my call is he stays.

So Boris then?

Gone within a year in my opinion. He is a lame duck PM, he cannot go and negotiate with Europe for them.